Core77 Design Awards 2014: Watch the Food Design Jury Announcement!


We’re up bright and early ready to kick off a week of live Core77 Design Awards announcements from around the world. To start us off, we’ve got self-styled Eating Designer Marije Vogelzang leading her jury from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Joining her are Food-trend Analyst, Food Blogger and Food Columnist Marjan Ippel; Food Rhapsody’s Creative Producer and Food Concept Creator Valerie Kuster; and Zestz’s Owner and Editor in Chief Ronald De Nijs to announce the winners of this year’s Food Design category.

»Omer Polak / Michal Evyatar – Blow Dough
»IDEO – San Francisco Unified School District: A Cafeteria Designed for Me
»Roel Vandebeek – Facing Food

Winner: Katharina Unger – FARM 432: Insect Breeding
Runner-up: The Furious Fika – Food Radiation Scanner
»Nikko Van Stolk – Bloom
»Julia Plevin and Lucy Knops – Critter Bitters
»Jeongdae Kim – minuspoon & minusugar
»Inna Alesina – Test Kitchen For Change
»Rahul Agarwal – Polygons Measuring Spoon
»Dan Olken – In The End Nothing: An Edible Menorah
»Maia Rowan – KIDS + FOOD



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