Core77 Design Awards 2013: Try Harder– Deadline Extended to March 26!


We’ve all done it—putting something off with the best intentions until that gentle, non-confrontational deadline you were ignoring is suddenly in your face, tapping your shoulder and demanding, “What are you gonna do about it? Huh? HUH?”

It’s not often that life hands you a second chance, so relish this one. The March 15th, 8PM Eastern deadline to submit your work for consideration in the 2013 Core77 Design Awards has been extended to March 26th, 8PM Eastern. (Of course, we still encourage you to aim to enter by this Friday as entries we receive after the regular deadline will incur a 20% late fee.)

Why are we doing this? We want you to try harder. We don’t want anyone to miss out on this wonderful opportunity. Besides, we’ve all been there.

Yes, everyone is busy, but now is the time to get your stuff together and tell this extended deadline, “I’m no slacker and I will not be pushed around!”

» Enter your best work today!


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