Core77 Design Awards 2013: Better Late Than Never– Deadline for Submissions Extended to Next Tuesday, March 26


If you haven’t heard the news about the deadline extension yet, you’re in luck! Now that the deadline to submit your work for consideration in the 2013 Core77 Design Awards has been extended to Tuesday, March 26th at 8PM Eastern, those of you who thought you wouldn’t have a chance to show off your mad design skills this year can enjoy that huge sigh of relief. With the extra time, you can get busy making sure your work is up to snuff for submission.

Just don’t let procrastination or distraction get the best of you this time around, because this deadline is set in stone! (I know we said that about the last one, but this time, we’re serious.)

We can’t wait to see all the rest of your entries over the next eight days!

» Enter your best work today!


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