Core77 Design Award 2011: The Glif, Notable for Products/Equipment


Over the next months we will be highlighting award-winning projects and ideas from this year’s Core77 Design Awards! For full details on the project, jury commenting and more information about the awards program, go to


Tom&Dan.pngDesigner: Studio Neat – Dan Provost and Tom Gerhardt
Location: Long Island City, New York, USA
Category: Products/Equipment
Award: Notable

The Glif

The Glif is a simple iPhone 4 accessory with two primary functions: mounting your iPhone onto a tripod and propping up your iPhone at various angles.

Our philosophy has always been to design things that we ourselves want to exist. The audience for our product is people like us: those that value simplicity and usability.
Making our product simple was not just an aesthetic design decision, but a manufacturing consideration as well. We knew from the beginning the more complex the product, the harder it would be to bring it to fruition. As such, the Glif is a single injection-molded piece of rubber with no moving parts.
We designed the Glif specially for the iPhone 4. While we are sacrificing potential markets by not making the design more universal, this decision allowed us to pare the design down to its essence, and create something that felt like a perfect match for the device.


Core77: What’s the latest news or development with your project?

The Glifs are currently for sale at, and we recently added them to Amazon as well. We are also keeping a close watch on iPhone 5 rumors 😉

What is 1 quick anecdote about your project?

Getting to visit the factory in South Dakota was a great learning experience. We were able to become intimately familiar with the manufacturing process, and could be there firsthand when the first Glifs were born. It definitely allowed us to feel closer to the product. We documented the trip in a video. All of the folks at Premier Source were incredible nice, and they even took us pheasant hunting, an unique experience for a couple of city boys.

Read on for full details on the project and jury comments.






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