Core77 Design Award 2011: Onedown, Student Runner-Up for Products / Equipment and Student Notable for Design for Social Impact
Posted in: Core77 Design AwardsOver the next months we will be highlighting award-winning projects and ideas from this year’s Core77 Design Awards! For full details on the project, jury commenting and more information about the awards program, go to
Designer: Aakash Dewan
Location: Maharashtra, India
Category: Products / Equipment and Design for Social Impact
Award: Student RUnner-Up and Student Notable
Onedown is a humane rat trap, working on the BOP toy principle, it creates a new visual association to the usual rat trap.
The trap rests precariously in a horizontal position on a circular foot. Bait inside would lure the rat into the trap, a metal insert in the base coupled with the weight of the rat will tip the trap and bring it to a vertical position indicating that a rat has been trapped.
Core77: How did you learn that you had been recognized by the jury?
I was at home when i saw the broadcast as we have holidays going on. I did not expect the onedown to win anything , but then the jury head said “student runner up is the Onedown by aakash dewan from DSK ISD International School of Design, Pune , India ” and yelled out loud! I went and told my parents and called up other friends to tell them. But I couldn’t dance around too much as it was 1:30am in India.
What’s the latest news or development with your project?
The project is still in the Prototype stage.
Read on for full details on the project and jury comments.
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