Core77 2012 Year in Review: Top 25 Stories of 2012

In the grand tradition of year end lists, the editors at Core77 are putting together some reflections and themes from the past year in design but to whet your appetites, here are our top 25 stories from 2012!

Surprisingly, our top two posts for 2012 were humble but popular:

» The Self Stirring Pot

Heart_Gear.jpeg» Wrap Your Head around these Gears

And the rest of the best in no particular order:

Photo Galleries

Core77_DesignAwards_2012.jpeg» Core77 Design Awards Gallery

Stockholm_DesignWeek_2012.jpeg» Stockholm Design Week Gallery

Designs_ofthe_Year_2012.jpeg» Designs of the Year Gallery

Threat_AmDC_2012.jpeg» Gallery – AmDC Threat

Case Studies

» Google Maps: Designing the Modern Atlas

» CAD vs. Sketching, Why Ask?

» The Design of Design Patents


» Audi’s Crazy Fast Trick Bike

» Drift Away on Tricked-Out Motor-Trikes

» Airpod, the Car that Runs on Air

» A Different Kind of Concept Bike

» Car Studio Photography Set-Ups

» Corvette Killer…or Career Killer?

» Flotspotting: Jose Hurtado’s Tandem with a Twist

And The Rest!

» Walter Tschinkel’s Aluminum Casts of Ant Colonies

3D_Painting.jpeg» 3D Painting: Riusuke Fukahori, Almost Like a Human Makerbot

» Apple Design Icon as Another

» Japanese Flying Sphere Can Record Video but Will it Help Train Jedis?

» Ikea’s Cardboard Pallets Intrigue

Dress_NoArms.jpeg» How a Woman with No Arms Dresses Herself

» Apple Continues Pushing Boundaries of Glass for Architectural Applications

» See the World Differently Through Eyebombing

» Base Jumping from an Infinity Pool

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Core77 2012 Year in Review
» Top 25 Stories of 2012
» Slow and Steady Growth for the Proverbial Build Platform as Digital Fabrication Goes Mainstream
» Crowdfunding in the Mainstream: Good or Bad News for Designers?


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