Cool Hunting Capsule Video: The Art of Flight

Our video with snowboarder Travis Rice on his epic new film

Travis Rice’s use of the word epic to describe his new snowboarding film “The Art of Flight” barely does the powder-crushing tour de force credit. The Herculean adventure, captured by the same type of Cineflex cameras used to film Planet Earth, shows Rice and his handpicked crew as they snowboard some of the wildest terrain around the globe.


The Art of Flight is Rice’s follow up to the award-winning film “That’s It, That’s All”—both shot by Curt Morgan, a snowboarder who turned to filmmaking after a serious back injury. A self-dubbed “tech geek,” Morgan and his boutique production house Brain Farm test the limits of aerial cinematography, shooting for outlets like National Geographic, ESPN, the U.S. Marine Corps and Red Bull Media House.

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Primarily filmed in Alaska, Chile, Colorado, Argentina, Romania and Rice’s hometown of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, we caught up with the trailblazer in NYC where he explained some of the details of the two-year filming process. The insanely crisp high-def shots, combined with dramatic birds-eye views, create an almost first-person effect—an astounding portrayal of what it’s like to step into Rice’s boots as he and the team shred in often untouched territory.

The Art of Flight premieres 7 September 2011 in NYC, before touring the U.S. Tickets sell online or at a variety of snowboard shops for $20 each.

Reporting by Karen Day

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