Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane’s Museum talks programme to be won

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

Competition: Dezeen is giving readers the chance to attend panel discussions, organised by London’s Sir John Soane’s Museum in conjunction with an exhibition of 3D-printed versions of prints by Italian artist Piranesi.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

Three talks this Spring involving architects, designers, artists and academics have been organised to coincide with the Diverse Maniere: Piranesi, Fantasy and Excess exhibition, which opens on 7 March at Sir John Soane’s Museum.

The exhibition will explore the relationship between work by British architect Sir John Soane and Italian printmaker and architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and will include 3D-printed realisations of Piranesi’s designs.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

The talks programme will look at how different disciplines approach design, replication and materiality, and the evolution of architecture and design. It includes:

» Visualising Design Ideas: 10 March 2014, 6–8pm
» Using Objects as Evidence of Themselves: 18 March 2014, 6-8pm
» Casts, Copies and the Dissemination of Design Ideas: 19 May 2014, 7:30–9:30pm

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

Titled Visualising Design Ideas, the first discussion will involve architect and designer Michele de Lucchi, designer Ross Lovegrove and director of Factum Arte in Madrid Adam Lowe.

The group will use Piranesi’s prints and Soane’s architectural drawings as a reference for how various production methods and strategies are utilised in the design process.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

Academic and writer Jerry Brotton, academic Lisa Jardine and artist Grayson Perry will focus on different approaches used to analyse an object’s design during the Using Objects as Evidence of Themselves talk.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

The third instalment will examine how copying has been used to recycle and merge ideas from the past, and the possibilities offered by contemporary technologies.

This session – Casts, Copies and the Dissemination of Design Ideas – will be between art historian Adriano Aymonino, architect and writer Sam Jacob, and artist Simon Fujiwara.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

All three talks will be chaired by Abraham Thomas, director of Sir John Soane’s Museum, and will take place at London’s Royal College of Surgeons.

We have five pairs of tickets for each of the talks, which winners will be available to collect on the door.

Competition: tickets for Sir John Soane's Museum talks programme to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Sir John Soane’s Museum talks” in the subject line, specifying which talk you would like to attend. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

You need to subscribe to our newsletter to have a chance of winning. Sign up here.

Competition closes 6 March 2014. Winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

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