Competition: five pairs of tickets to D&AD Patricia Moore lecture to be won

Patricia Moore

Competition: we’re giving away five pairs of tickets for a lecture by industrial designer Patricia Moore at D&AD in London on Wednesday 12 October.

Patricia Moore

Moore is known for going under cover in 1979 as an 80 year old woman, when she was actually just 26, in order to effectively design products that were suitable for the less able-bodied.

Patricia Moore

She will talk about these experiences and her current work with injured soldiers at the lecture, which takes place at Logan Hall, Institute of Education, Bedford Way, from 7pm on Wednesday 12 October. More details here.

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Patricia Moore” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers.

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Competition closes 10 October 2011. Five winners will be selected at random and sent an online ticket by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeenmail newsletter and at the bottom of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

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Here are some more details from D&AD:

Who would have thought dressing up in your grandmother’s clothes could revolutionise the face of product design? Well Patricia Moore did just that.

In 1979, at the age of 26, Patricia Moore transformed herself into an 80 year old woman overnight. She blurred her vision, reduced her hearing and altered her posture and range of motion. And you think you’re ageing fast. She spent the next three years travelling to 100 US and Canadian cities, experiencing and responding to people, products and places as an older person.

Not just physically challenging, she faced emotional abuse, dismissal and cruelty. This experiment led to her dedication to making products for the less abled. Moore revolutionised industry’s approach to design – with an emphasis on function, as well as form.

Moore accomplished all of this in a male dominated industry, starting as the only female industrial designer at Raymond Loewy and Associates, New York.

Date: Wednesday October 12, 2011
Time: Doors open 6pm, Lecture starts 7pm
Location: Logan Hall, Institute of Education, Bedford Way

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