Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

Competition: Dezeen is giving readers the chance to win a copy of a new book about contemporary graphic design.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

New Graphic Design: The 100 Best Contemporary Graphic Designers has been compiled as a guide to the latest work by upcoming and influential designers.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

It encompasses visual communication designs for websites, apps, packaging, exhibitions and branding campaigns.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

Images of recent projects are displayed next to text about the work written by their creators, with a short designer bio. Interviews with a selection of designers also feature.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

The compendium is written by Charlotte and Peter Fiell with a foreword by writer and critic Steven Heller, and published by Goodman Fiell.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “New Graphic Design” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

You need to subscribe to our newsletter to have a chance of winning. Sign up here.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

Competition closes 7 November 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five New Graphic Design books to be won

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