Competition: five Ma Yansong monographs to be won

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

Competition: we’re giving readers the chance to win one of five copies of a new book of projects by Ma Yansong, director at Beijing architecture studio MAD, including the recently completed China Wood Sculpture Museum in Harbin.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

Ma Yansong: From (Global) Modernity to (Local) Tradition is a product of a retrospective exhibition that took place at the ICO Museum in Madrid, documenting eight years of work by the Chinese architect.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

The hardback book is curated by Menene Gras and includes essays and photos of the exhibition, as well as images of some of MAD‘s best-known projects.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

Featured buildings include the curvaceous Absolute Towers in Mississauga, Canada, the Ordos Musuem in Inner Mongolia and a concept for a star-shaped mobile Chinatown.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

Each project is accompanied by concept sketches, technical drawings and model images, along with final photographs where relevant.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Ma Yansong” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

Competition closes 11 May 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five copies of Ma Yansong Monograph to be won

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