Competition: five copies of Clients from Hell to be won

Clients from Hell

We have teamed up with the guys over at Clients from Hell blog to give away five copies of their Clients From Hell book, a collection of horror stories from the design industry.

Clients from Hell

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Clients from Hell” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers.

Read our privacy policy here.

Clients from Hell

Competition closes 21 June 2011. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeenmail newsletter and at the bottom of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

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The following is from the book:

A cult phenomenon among those who work in graphic, print and web design – and those lucky enough to have discovered the namesake blog – Clients from Hell has been bringing readers to tears with its unbelievable and always hilarious anecdotes from the twenty and thirty-somethings on the frontlines of design.

Clients from Hell

In print for the first time, this collection brings together the same kind of original stories that make the blog a hit and exposes the designer’s trade for what it really is: new, misunderstood and often unappriciated. Read the quotes, bizarre requesta and elaborate communication failures that are all part of the daily life of working with clients.

Clients from Hell

Anyone who has ever worked with clients may find these tales frighteningly familiar. New designers may think twice about their chosen profession- or at least find relief in the fact that they’re not alone in absurd client interactions. And non-designers? Well, they’ll just feel grateful – while they laugh and discover the new and unchartered territory of miscommunication..


Buy this book and others at the Dezeenbooks store
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