Collection Will Stay Put as Brandeis University Finally Settles Dispute Over Rose Art Museum


If you read this blog with any regularity, you’ll perhaps remember 2009 as “The Year We Couldn’t Shut Up About the Rose Art Museum.” And who could blame us (and every other art-interested site for that matter)? You had Brandeis University up and deciding that they were going to close their art museum and sell off the entire collection to help pay bills, which was followed by legal battles, angry ancestors, and the resignation of the school’s president over the whole debacle, to name just a few things that happened over that tumultuous year. It was a veritable waterfall of constant drama and it was wonderful. But after around the fall of 2009, with everything largely resolved (the art was going to stay as it was…for now), the whole story went quiet, save for a couple of items like, bland by comparison, closing the museum for renovations. And now it appears we can finally put this whole period in our lives to bed, once and for all. Yesterday, Brandeis announced that the aforementioned legal battle had finally been settled and that the art will stay at the Rose for good, with no talk of selling any of it anymore:

The settlement agreement, which brings to an end all claims concerning management of the Rose and the potential sale of artwork, states that the Rose is, and will remain a university art museum open to the public and that Brandeis has no plan to sell artwork.

The agreement reiterates the university’s policy, adopted by a vote of the board of trustees in March, 2010, that the Rose Art Museum will remain a university museum open to the public and that it will be better integrated into the educational mission of the university.

The settlement, which was agreed upon by the four Rose Art Museum supporters who filed the initial suit against the university back in 2009, also stipulates that the school and the museum regularly converse with one another, so something like this doesn’t happen again, and that the Rose will continue hunting for a new director.

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