Clutter isn’t always in the eye of the beholder

Once photographs are in frames, do you ever change the image? Do you get rid of frames when they no longer match your decor? Or, once a picture makes it into a frame, does it remain there — even if you don’t really like the picture or the frame any longer?

During the holiday season, when friends send you images of their kids in cards and letters, what do you do with the pictures? Do you scan them and shred the original? Do you just shred them? Or, do you save the pictures on your refrigerator for years in a messy collage of tiny, forgotten faces?

Have you recently evaluated the artwork on the walls of your home and office? Does the artwork inspire you? Does it make you smile or challenge you or create within you a sense of awe? Or, are you indifferent about it and it is simply there so you have something to hang in that space?

What is the wallpaper image on your computer’s desktop or your cell phone? Are these images ones you love?

It is easy to become numb to the images we see every day, especially when those images are ones we don’t love, cherish, or appreciate. It’s also very simple for these items to become part of the invisible clutter in our homes and offices because they usually don’t take up floor space — we don’t trip over the things hanging on our walls.

Is the artwork in your home and office clutter, or is it something you truly value?

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