Chinese Families with All their Stuff

Avec sa série Family Stuff, l’artiste Huang Qingjun présente des clichés de familles sur le seuil de leur maison, accompagnées de leurs affaires. Depuis 10 ans, il traverse les contrées et espaces ruraux de son immense pays, cherchant ainsi à montrer le contraste entre ces personnes face à l’aspect gigantesque des villes.

Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo12
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo11
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo10
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo9
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo8
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo7
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo6
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo5
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo4
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo3
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo2
Chinese Families with All their Stuff in a Single Photo

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