Cheers! Inkygoodness beer mat art

The Inkygoodness Beermat Characters show presents the work of 80 imagemeakers who were challenged to transform a humble beermat into an illustrated character

Inkygoodness invited submissionsto the project via its website. While some (such as Michael Slack, shown top) stuck to the confines of the format, others (hello, El Tobe, above) have pushed things a little further.

Below is a design from Mayumi Haryoto


While this one is from Rinske Zijsling


And this pair from Mr Penfold


This behind-the-scenes film shows the preparations for the exhibition

The show is at the Coningsby Gallery, 30 Tottenham Street London W1T 4RJ until May 4, open daily from 11am – 6pm.


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