CH Editions: Our Photo Safari With The Bushcamp Company and Pentax

Travel with Cool Hunting editors on a very special trip to Zambia’s South Luanga National Park

When we learned about The Bushcamp Company, the only safari operator in the southern part of Zambia’s game-filled South Luanga National Park, we not only wanted to visit, we wanted to share it with our readers in a way that a story or video couldn’t provide. We decided the best way to share the experience was to actually share the experience, and we are proud to announce our first CH Edition trip, which is available exclusively through Jetsetter. This trip of a lifetime combines adventure, education and community action as well as a few surprises.


We chose The Bushcamp Company for several reasons. The South Luanga National Park (which is half the size of Massachusetts!), is one of the greatest game reserves in the world, home to a range of more than 60 mammals (including lions, tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, zebras, buffalo, hippos, baboons, giraffes and impalas), some 400 species of birds and vegetation unique even in Africa. It’s also one of the least visited, so you won’t be spending your time looking at other travelers instead of the amazing surroundings. Combining both driving and walking components, this safari offers a different experience from many others. It’s been said that “From a vehicle you see Africa. On foot you feel, hear and smell Africa,” and we agree. By walking through the park in small groups with a guide (and armed chaperone) we’ll get to experience the smallest details alongside the biggest game.


We’re pretty decent photographers, but in planning this trip we realized that even we could use a bit of help, so we’re partnering with Pentax Ricoh Imaging Americas to help document our experience. The new PENTAX K-01, designed by Marc Newson, will accompany us on our trip along with the just-announced Optio WG-2 rugged adventure camera, as well as celebrated nature photographer Kerrick James. We’ll all learn how to capture incredible imagery in informal demonstrations, and Kerrick will join us in the field to help you document the experience. It wouldn’t be a Cool Hunting trip without a few surprises, and we have several in store for you.

Our days will consist of an early morning, late afternoon, and evening safari. We’ll talk photography, share stories, enjoy a siesta and tea, and three meals a day. You’ll be traveling with Josh Rubin and Evan Orensten, the co-founders of Cool Hunting, and Greg Stefano, our video producer (as we’ll be creating a Cool Hunting video of the trip). All travelers will start the trip at the Mfuwe Lodge, where we’ll spend the first two nights. Then we’ll split up into smaller groups as we venture into the park and spend the next five nights in the bushcamps (each bushcamp has three or four rooms), though we will all meet up once a day. We’ll come together again on the last night.


Supporting the local rural community is part of The Bushcamp Company’s mission, and we will not only spend our last day visiting the local school, we will contribute to it. Guests are encouraged to share their life experience with the students with a lecture or demonstration. Chilongozi is a rural school with very limited means, and they are in the process of building a much needed classroom and dormitory. Each guest, as part of their tour fee, will be donating a desk to the school, and The Bushcamp Company has generously offered to match our donations. The desks, which cost $120, are made locally, providing jobs and additional revenue to the community. We’ll also be accepting donations for so many other things that are needed at this school.


This very special trip is limited to 12 rooms (a maximum of 24 people). Travel of this sort is unfortunately not inexpensive, though through our partnership with Jetsetter we’re able to offer it at a thirty percent discount off of standard pricing. The price, $4,595 per person, includes the charter flight from Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, to Mfuwe, lodging, all meals, park fees and a desk for the Chilongozi school. Some alcohol is included in the price, and the rest is available for purchase. Airfare from your city to Lusaka is not included.


For complete details and booking, please visit Jetsetter. We expect this trip to book quickly. If you’re interested and it’s sold out,. We’ve sold out on the first day. Looking at other possible date, so please add your name to the waiting list. Questions? Feel free to contact us directly at info [at]

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