Celeb Poll – On The Red Carpet With Angelina Jolie!

imageAngelina Jolie … she’s an A-List movie star that’s been repeatedly called the Sexiest Woman. We love her bad-girl rebel turned motherly humanitarian image and her impeccable taste in classically sensual styles.

With a slew of red carpet ensembles for new movies (Kung-Fu Panda 2 for her, Tree of Life for partner Brad Pitt), Angelina impresses in one ravishing dress after another. We love her signature black, but are also impressed with the pop of color with her coral red gown and the softness of her nude tone dress.

Angelina Jolie always looks amazing, but which one of these suits her the best? Let us know by taking the poll below! Then check back next week when we show you how to get the winning look!

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