App to the Future Design Challenge Open for Entries

Today is the day! Our App to the Future Design Challenge is Open for Entries. Core77 and Windows Phone have teamed up for the second year in a row to challenge people around the world to design an app for Windows Phone 8! This year, we’re asking the community to design an app that helps create, connect or delight their future self.

Apps have become a way for ordinary people to take control of their day-to-day lives. Today apps help us wake up, get dressed, get through our commute, stay abreast of news and reach each other throughout the day; and they offer endless options for dining, socializing and entertainment. At their best, apps can help us do the things we want to do, in a way we prefer to do them—they empower our passions—but what more can they do for us tomorrow?

This year we’ve picked three categories that App to the Future submissions should be inspired by:

  • Design to Do. Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life—this is your chance to create an app that helps you do what you love. What part of the design process are you most passionate about? Design an app that focuses on creativity and improve it.
  • Design to Connect. Sometimes it isn’t what you’re doing as much as whom you’re doing it with. Design an app that keeps you close and connected with the people you love and care about.
  • Design to Delight. Harness the power of that computer in your pocket and design an app that surprises and delights—get people excited about what they’re doing, and they’ll love it as much as you do.

To participate in the challenge, you must submit a design concept by February 3, 2013. It doesn’t need to be a fully functioning app. A great mockup, images, brilliant napkin sketches, or a video will do. Our esteemed jury will look at the originality of the idea and how you blend your creativity with the Windows Phone design language to make their decision.

30 finalists will be selected, then the judges will chose 5 winners who will receive a Microsoft Surface, a Windows Phone 8 and 1-year Dev Center membership.


Sounds intimidating? Don’t know where to start? We’re excited to share two new resources for designers for this year’s challenge: Windows Phone Design Boot Camp and Lightning Design Reviews.
