Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Researchers at the University of Stuttgart programmed a robot to wind 60 kilometres of carbon and glass fibre filaments into this pavilion inspired by a lobster’s exoskeleton (+ movie + slideshow).

The Research Pavilion was designed by academics and students from the university’s Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) in collaboration with biologists from the University of Tübingen.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

The structure of the pavilion was based on their research into the complex layers and load-bearing efficiency of a lobster’s exoskeleton, which is made up of layers of chitin – a derivative of glucose – embedded in a protein matrix.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

They applied what they knew about the exoskeleton to design a structure that could be made from resin-saturated glass and carbon fibres laid down by a robot.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

The glass fibres mainly serve as the formwork for the layers, while the stiffer carbon fibres are responsible for the load transfer and rigidity.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

The robot wound the resin-saturated fibres onto a steel frame rotating on a turntable.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

The steel frame was then taken apart and removed, leaving behind a shell-like pavilion eight metres across, three and a half metres tall, but just four millimetres thick.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

We’ve reported on a few projects involving robots, including a robotic 3D printer that builds architectural structures from sand or soil and a robot that prints chairs made of recycled refrigerators – see all robots.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Other high-tech pavilions we’ve featured include one in London’s Olympic Park that can be played like a musical instrument and a spiky structure in New York designed to neutralise air pollution – see all pavilions.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Here’s some more information from the researchers:

ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012

Institute for Computational Design (ICD) – Prof. Achim Menges
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

In November 2012 the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart have completed a research pavilion that is entirely robotically fabricated from carbon and glass fibre composites. This interdisciplinary project, conducted by architectural and engineering researchers of both institutes together with students of the faculty and in collaboration with biologists of the University of Tübingen, investigates the possible interrelation between biomimetic design strategies and novel processes of robotic production. The research focused on the material and morphological principles of arthropods’ exoskeletons as a source of exploration for a new composite construction paradigm in architecture.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

At the core of the project is the development of an innovative robotic fabrication process within the context of the building industry based on filament winding of carbon and glass fibres and the related computational design tools and simulation methods. A key aspect of the project was to transfer the fibrous morphology of the biological role model to fibre-reinforced composite materials, the anisotropy of which was integrated from the start into the computer-based design and simulation processes, thus leading to new tectonic possibilities in architecture. The integration of the form generation methods, the computational simulations and robotic manufacturing, specifically allowed the development of a high performance structure: the pavilion requires only a shell thickness of four millimetres of composite laminate while spanning eight metres.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Biological model

Following a “bottom-up” approach, a wide range of different subtypes of invertebrates were initially investigated in regards to the material anisotropy and functional morphology of arthropods. The observed biological principles were analysed and abstracted in order to be subsequently transferred into viable design principles for architectural applications. The exoskeleton of the lobster (Homarus americanus) was analysed in greater detail for its local material differentiation, which finally served as the biological role model of the project.

The lobster’s exoskeleton (the cuticle) consists of a soft part, the endocuticle, and a relatively hard layer, the exocuticle. The cuticle is a secretion product in which chitin fibrils are embedded in a protein matrix. The specific differentiation of the position and orientation of the fibres and related material properties respond to specific local requirements. The chitin fibres are incorporated in the matrix by forming individual unidirectional layers. In the areas where a non-directional load transfer is required, such individual layers are laminated together in a spiral (helicoidal) arrangement. The resulting isotropic fibre structure allows a uniform load distribution in every direction. On the other hand, areas which are subject to directional stress distributions exhibit a unidirectional layer structure, displaying an anisotropic fibre assembly which is optimised for a directed load transfer. Due to this local material differentiation, the shell creates a highly adapted and efficient structure. The abstracted morphological principles of locally adapted fibre orientation constitute the basis for the computational form generation, material design and manufacturing process of the pavilion.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Transfer of biomimetic design principles

In collaboration with the biologists, the fibre orientation, fibre arrangement and associated layer thickness and stiffness gradients in the exoskeleton of the lobster were carefully investigated. The high efficiency and functional variation of the cuticle is due to a specific combination of exoskeletal form, fibre orientation and matrix. These principles were applied to the design of a robotically fabricated shell structure based on a fibre composite system in which the resin-saturated glass and carbon fibres were continuously laid by a robot, resulting in a compounded structure with custom fibre orientation.

In existing fibre placement techniques, e.g. in the aerospace industry or advanced sail production, the fibres are typically laid on a separately manufactured positive mould. Since the construction of a complete positive formwork is fairly unsuitable for the building industry, the project aimed to reduce the positive form to a minimum. As a consequence, the fibres were laid on a temporary lightweight, linear steel frame with defined anchor points between which the fibres were tensioned.

From the straight segments of the prestressed fibres, surfaces emerge that result in the characteristic double curved shape of the pavilion. In this way the hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces resulting from the first sequence of glass fibre winding serve as an integral mould for the subsequent carbon and glass fibre layers with their specific structural purposes and load bearing properties.

In other words, the pavilion itself establishes the positive formwork as part of the robotic fabrication sequence. Moreover, during the fabrication process it was possible to place the fibres so that their orientation is optimally aligned with the force flow in the skin of the pavilion. Fibre optic sensors, which continuously monitor the stress and strain variations, were also integrated in the structure. The project’s concurrent consideration of shell geometry, fibre arrangement and fabrication process leads to a novel synthesis of form, material, structure and performance.

Research Pavilion by ICD and ITKE

Through this high level of integration the fundamental properties of biological structures were transferred:

Heterogeneity: six different filament winding sequences control the variation of the fibre layering and the fibre orientation of the individual layers at each point of the shell. They are designed to minimise material consumption whilst maximising the stiffness of the structure resulting in significant material efficiency and a very lightweight structure.

Hierarchy: the glass fibres are mainly used as a spatial partitioning element and serve as the formwork for the following layers, whilst the stiffer carbon fibres contribute primarily to the load transfer and the global stiffness of the system.

Function integration: in addition to the structural carbon fibres for the load transfer and the glass fibres for the spatial articulation, functional fibres for illumination and structural monitoring can be integrated in the system.

Computation design and robotic production

A prerequisite for the design, development and realisation of the project was a closed, digital information chain linking the project’s model, finite element simulations, material testing and robot control. Form finding, material and structural design were directly integrated in the design process, whereby the complex interaction of form, material, structure and fabrication technology could be used as an integral aspect of the biomimetic design methodology.

The direct coupling of geometry and finite element simulations into computational models allowed the generation and comparative analysis of numerous variations. In parallel, the mechanical properties of the fibre composites determined by material testing were included in the process of form generation and material optimisation. The optimisation of the fibre and layer arrangement through a gradient-based method, allowed the development of a highly efficient structure with minimal use of material.

The robotic fabrication of the research pavilion was performed on-site in a purpose-built, weatherproof manufacturing environment by a 6-axis robot coupled with an external seventh axis. Placed on a 2m high pedestal and reaching an overall working span and height of 4m, the robot placed the fibres on the temporary steel frame, which was actuated in a circular movement by the robotically controlled turntable.

As part of the fabrication process the fibres were saturated with resin while running through a resin bath directly prior to the robotic placement. This specific setup made it possible to achieve a structure of approximately 8.0m in diameter and 3.5m height by continuously winding more than 60 kilometres of fibre rovings.

The parametric definition of the winding motion paths in relation to the digital geometry model, the robotic motion planning including mathematical coupling with the external axis, as well as the generation of robot control code itself could be implemented in a custom-developed design and manufacturing integrated environment.

After completion of the robotic filament winding process and the subsequent tempering of the fibre-resin composite, the temporary steel frame could be disassembled and removed. The remaining, extremely thin shell of just 4mm thickness constitutes an automatically fabricated, but locally differentiated structure.

The concurrent integration of the biomimetic principles of the lobster’s cuticle and the logics of the newly developed robotic carbon and glass fibre filament winding within the computational design process, enable a high level of structural performance and novel tectonic opportunities for architecture. Despite its considerable size and span, the semi- transparent skin of the pavilion weighs less than 320kg and reveals the system’s structural logic through the spatial arrangement of the carbon and glass fibres. The synthesis of novel modes of computational and material design, digital simulation and robotic fabrication allows both the exploration of a new repertoire of architectural possibilities and the development of extremely lightweight and materially efficient structures.

Project data

Address: Keplerstr. 11-17, 70174 Stuttgart
Date of completion: November 2012
Surface: 29 m2
Volume: 78 m3
Construction weight: 5.6 kg/m2
Material: Mixed laminate consisting of epoxy resin and 70% glass fibres + 30% carbon fibres

Project team:

Institute for Computational Design (ICD) – Prof. Achim Menges
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers

Concept development: Manuel Schloz, Jakob Weigele
System development and realisation: Sarah Haase, Markus Mittner, Josephine Ross, Manuel Schloz, Jonas Unger, Simone Vielhuber, Franziska Weidemann, Jakob Weigele, Natthida Wiwatwicha; with the support of Michael Preisack and Michael Tondera (Faculty of Architecture Workshop)
Scientific development and project management: Riccardo La Magna (structural design), Steffen Reichert (detailing), Tobias Schwinn (robotic fabrication), Frédéric Waimer (fibre composite technology & structural design)

In collaboration with:
Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Department of Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates
University of Tübingen – Prof. Oliver Betz,
Centre for Applied Geoscience, Department of Invertebrates-Paleontology,
University of Tübingen – Prof. James Nebelsick
ITV Denkendorf – Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich

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ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Polygonal timber plates give this pavilion at the University of Stuttgart a skeleton like a sea urchin’s.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Top and above: photographs are by Roland Halbe

The pavilion was constructed for a biological research collaboration between the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), who also invited university students to take part.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Above: photograph is by Roland Halbe

Plywood sheets just 6.5mm thick were necessary to create the domed structure, which is fastened to the ground to prevent it blowing away.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Above: photograph is by Roland Halbe

The exterior plywood panels are slotted together using finger joints, in the same way as minute protrusions of a sea urchin’s shell plates notch into one another.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Photography is by ICD/ITKE, apart from where otherwise stated.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Here’s a more technical description from the researchers:


In summer 2011 the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), together with students at the University of Stuttgart have realized a temporary, bionic research pavilion made of wood at the intersection of teaching and research. The project explores the architectural transfer of biological principles of the sea urchin’s plate skeleton morphology by means of novel computer-based design and simulation methods, along with computer-controlled manufacturing methods for its building implementation. A particular innovation consists in the possibility of effectively extending the recognized bionic principles and related performance to a range of different geometries through computational processes, which is demonstrated by the fact that the complex morphology of the pavilion could be built exclusively with extremely thin sheets of plywood (6.5 mm).

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart


The project aims at integrating the performative capacity of biological structures into architectural design and at testing the resulting spatial and structural material-systems in full scale. The focus was set on the development of a modular system which allows a high degree of adaptability and performance due to the geometric differentiation of its plate components and robotically fabricated finger joints. During the analysis of different biological structures, the plate skeleton morphology of the sand dollar, a sub-species of the sea urchin (Echinoidea), became of particular interest and subsequently provided the basic principles of the bionic structure that was realized.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

The skeletal shell of the sand dollar is a modular system of polygonal plates, which are linked together at the edges by finger-like calcite protrusions. High load bearing capacity is achieved by the particular geometric arrangement of the plates and their joining system. Therefore, the sand dollar serves as a most fitting model for shells made of prefabricated elements. Similarly, the traditional finger-joints typically used in carpentry as connection elements, can be seen as the technical equivalent of the sand dollar’s calcite protrusions.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart


Following the analysis of the sand dollar, the morphology of its plate structure was integrated in the design of a pavilion. Three plate edges always meet together at just one point, a principle which enables the transmission of normal and shear forces but no bending moments between the joints, thus resulting in a bending bearing but yet deformable structure.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Unlike traditional lightweight construction, which can only be applied to load optimized shapes, this new design principle can be applied to a wide range of custom geometry. The high lightweight potential of this approach is evident as the pavilion that could be built out of 6.5 mm thin sheets of plywood only, despite its considerable size. Therefore it even needed anchoring to the ground to resist wind suction loads.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Besides these constructional and organizational principles, other fundamental properties of biological structures are applied in the computational design process of the project:

Heterogeneity: The cell sizes are not constant, but adapt to local curvature and discontinuities. In the areas of small curvature the central cells are more than two meters tall, while at the edge they only reach half a meter.

Anisotropy: The pavilion is a directional structure. The cells stretch and orient themselves according to mechanical stresses.

Hierarchy: The pavilion is organized as a two-level hierarchical structure. On the first level, the finger joints of the plywood sheets are glued together to form a cell. On the second hierarchical level, a simple screw connection joins the cells together, allowing the assembling and disassembling of the pavilion. Within each hierarchical level only three plates – respectively three edges – meet exclusively at one point, therefore assuring bendable edges for both levels.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart


A requirement for the design, development and realization of the complex morphology of the pavilion is a closed, digital information loop between the project’s model, finite element simulations and computer numeric machine control. Form finding and structural design are closely interlinked. An optimized data exchange scheme made it possible to repeatedly read the complex geometry into a finite element program to analyze and modify the critical points of the model. In parallel, the glued and bolted joints were tested experimentally and the results included in the structural calculations.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

The plates and finger joints of each cell were produced with the university’s robotic fabrication system. Employing custom programmed routines the computational model provided the basis for the automatic generation of the machine code (NC-Code) for the control of an industrial seven-axis robot. This enabled the economical production of more than 850 geometrically different components, as well as more than 100,000 finger joints freely arranged in space. Following the robotic production, the plywood panels were joined together to form the cells. The assembly of the prefabricated modules was carried out at the city campus of the University of Stuttgart. All design, research, fabrication and construction work were carried out jointly by students and faculty researchers.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

The research pavilion offered the opportunity to investigate methods of modular bionic construction using freeform surfaces representing different geometric characteristics while developing two distinct spatial entities: one large interior space with a porous inner layer and a big opening, facing the public square between the University’s buildings, and a smaller interstitial space enveloped between the two layers that exhibits the constructive logic of the double layer shell.

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart


Institute for Computational Design – Prof. AA Dipl.(Hons) Achim Menges Achim Menges
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers
Competence Network Biomimetics Baden-Württemberg

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Oliver David Krieg, Boyan Mihaylov

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Peter Brachat, Benjamin Busch, Solmaz Fahimian, Christin Gegenheimer, Nicola Haberbosch, Elias Kästle, Oliver David Krieg, Yong Sung Kwon, Boyan Mihaylov, Hongmei Zhai

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Markus Gabler (project management), Riccardo La Magna (structural design), Steffen Reichert (detailing), Tobias Schwinn (project management), Frédéric Waimer (structural design)

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Click above for larger image


Main sponsors: KUKA Roboter GmbH, Ochs GmbH
Sponsors: KST2 Systemtechnik GmbH, Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg (ForstBW), Stiftungen LBBW, Leitz GmbH & Co. KG, MüllerBlaustein Holzbau GmbH, Hermann Rothfuss Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co., Ullrich & Schön GmbH, Holzhandlung Wider GmbH & Co. KG

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Click above for larger image


Address Keplerstr. 11-17, 70174 Stuttgart
Date of completion: August 2011

ICD ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

Click above for larger image

Surface: 72m²
Volume: 200m³
Material: 275 m² Birch plywood 6,5mm Sheet thickness

See also:


Pavilion by Alan Dempsey and Alvin HuangSwoosh Pavilion at the Architectural AssociationThe Termite Pavilion
at Pestival