Lost Photos

Uncover treasures buried in your inbox with the new app

In the past we lost photos in attics, closets and shoe boxes stuffed under beds. Now, they just as easily go unnoticed deep in the depths of email inboxes. To bring these neglected snaps back to light, Lost Photos weeds through your email account of choice to find any photos that may have gotten forgotten in the shuffle, taking the legwork out of the otherwise tedious task of sifting back through old emails. Simply choose an email account, log in and give it a few minutes to work.


Lost Photos uncovered thousands of .jpg and .gif files among as many emails, taking us back to some of our favorite yet forgotten stories in the past year or so. If you want to expedite the task, the home page lets the user turn off .gif search or skip over images prior to an adjustable date. Once the images start popping up, share them among several social media outlets, or just hit “view photos in finder” to see the results neatly organized by date in a desktop folder.

Whether you’re searching for lost treasures or old assets, Lost Photos seems worth the $3 price tag. Visit Lost Photo online for more details and purchase in the iTunes store.

Trash to Treasure

Una cover in silicone trasforma il vostro barattolo di vetro in un vaso dall’aspetto raffinato. Un’idea di milkdesign.

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure