What Not to Wear‘s Stacy London Takes Your Fashion Questions

With over a decade of fashion and styling experience as an editor at Vogue, correspondent for Today, and co-host of TLC’s What Not to Wear, has Stacy London ever given out bad advice? Like saying those white pantyhose were a don’t, only to see someone like Gwen Stefani make it a why-didn’t-I-think-of-that do?

“No, I’m never wrong,” London said jokingly in our Media Beat interview. “No, not about other people’s style. But my style? Oh, boy, have I made mistakes.”

“Everybody makes fashion mistakes… and they’re not even really mistakes. There is no failure [in fashion],” she continued. “The fact is fashion and style really is about confidence. You can’t make a mistake if you’re confident enough in yourself to pull things off.”

London also answered some questions from our @mediabistroTV followers on jeans for real women, the white watch trend, and how to dress for “day to night fabulousness.”

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Part 1: Stacy London: ‘It’s not just about the clothes. It’s about the psychology behind them’

Part 3: Wednesday, London reveals her biggest career challenge and gives tips to aspiring fashionistas.

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5 Things You Need to Know This Week: Fall Fashion Tips From Stacy London and Snake Plissken

Occupy Wall Street has now spread to the “5 Things You Need to Know This Week” studio. In this week’s episode, we help out a group protestors, share some exclusive iPhone news, talk about Advertising Week, and get five fashion tips from Stacy London, host of TLC’s “What Not to Wear.”

For more videos, check out Mediabistro.tv, and be sure to follow us on Twitter: @mediabistroTV

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