Well Timed Closure

The Subway Signal Light is a digital sand timer that intuitively changes color from green, to amber to red, informing the passenger through passive visual clues, that the doors to the train are about to close. As far as subway safety is concerned, you can’t be too safe. Just the other day I saw a lady get caught between doors because she tried to rush through the doors at the last minute. Hopefully visual clues will help people understand better that green says go and red says STOP!

Designer: Hyun Ju Park

Yanko Design
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(Well Timed Closure was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Light Painting WiFi

Un excellent concept imaginé par Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen et Einar Martinussen explorant le terrain invisible des réseaux WiFi dans les espaces urbains. Le tout detecté grâce à une technique photo de Light-Painting ainsi qu’à une tige de 4 mètres de haut, doté de 80 points de lumière.



Dans le même esprit : iPad Light Painting

Previously on Fubiz

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