Reader comment: “Jackson Pollock he is not”

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Pollock he is not”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Reader comment: “Intentionally phallic?”

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“Intentionally phallic?”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Reader comment: “Like a space-age boat”

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“Like a space-age boat”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Reader comment: “Great for Halloween”

The post Reader comment: “Great
for Halloween”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Comment: “A Kindle will never look this good”

The post Comment: “A Kindle will
never look this good”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Reader comment: “Sublime concrete porn”

The post Reader comment: “Sublime
concrete porn”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Comment: “A two-fingered salute to the neighbours”

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salute to the neighbours”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Comment: “Reality game show architecture”

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show architecture”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Comment: “Gaudi is turning in his grave”

The post Comment: “Gaudi is turning
in his grave”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Comment: “Aren’t we overdocumenting our lives?”

The post Comment: “Aren’t we over
documenting our lives?”
appeared first on Dezeen.