Word of Mouth: Park City: Outdoor adventure, cultural immersion and world-class cuisine in the mountains of Utah

Word of Mouth: Park City

More than just a hub for the film industry when it plays host to the annual Sundance Film Festival, Utah’s Park City offers charm and adventure year round. The surrounding Wasatch Mountains provide plenty…

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Sundance 2014: Slamdance’s ROVER: An odd, engaging feature film about a comedic cult attempting to make a movie

Sundance 2014: Slamdance's ROVER

One of just a handful of films in Slamdance’s narrative feature competition, ROVER—full name being ROVER (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next…

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Sundance 2014: Marco F. Martinez: A straight razor shave with a master in Dove Men+Care’s Park City Barbershop

Sundance 2014: Marco F. Martinez

In conjunction with this year’s Sundance Film Festival, grooming and skincare brand Dove Men+Care hosted a pop-up barbershop, aptly dubbed the Park City Barbershop. There, we had an opportunity…

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Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT: Curator Ken Miller leads the art pack in Park City, Utah

Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT

Amid the clattering bustle of a small resort town packed street-to-screen with the film industry, two art galleries are providing a different option for the artistic influx that temporarily inhabits Park City, Utah. This year at Sundance, pop-ups “SPACE” and “recordOutboundLink(this,…

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