Dan Gluibizzi: Between Friends: NSFW watercolors inspired by how we pose for cameras and modeled on photos from across the internet

Dan Gluibizzi: Between Friends

Sex, bongs and the internet—these are the motifs explored in the watercolors of Portland-via-New York artist and Tumblr addict Dan Gluibizzi (pronounced “glue-busy”). Opening tomorrow, 1 March 2014, at LA’s ); return…

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Odiseo Vol. 2: A sophisticated take on adult entertainment by Barcelona-based design shop Folch Studio

Odiseo Vol. 2

When viewing adult entertainment through rose-tinted glasses, the longstanding joke about “gentlemen’s magazines” is that the pictures are nice, but one subscribes for the articles. While we all know this is hardly the case with most newsstand nudie mags, the recently published Continue Reading…