Save Rex Ranch: Longtime Director of Digital Initiatives at Sundance Joseph Beyer wants to transform an abandoned dude ranch in Arizona into a cultural arts mecca

Save Rex Ranch

Can an organization raise $735,000 in 40 days to buy an abandoned dude ranch in the southwestern Arizona desert? It just might be possible with Joseph Beyer—eternal optimist and Director of Digital Initiatives at the Sundance…

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Link About It: This Week’s Picks : Prisoner art, prosthetic Lego legs, intuitive boarding passes and more in our weekly look at the web

Link About It: This Week's Picks

1. Rick Owens Step Team In a drastic departure from what you would expect during Paris Fashion Week, designer Rick Owens replaced traditional runway models with a team of “plus-size” step dancers. From challenging the norms…

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Outdoor Project: Design and adventure enthusiasts of the Pacific Northwest make it easier to enjoy the great outdoors

Outdoor Project

Guidebooks, websites, word-of-mouth—nowadays, there’s a wealth of resources that an outdoor adventurer can consult before embarking on a trip. Oftentimes though, these resources aren’t comprehensive, up-to-date, or even particularly reliable. Furthermore, not many do a very good job of inspiring novices to venture…

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