Get to Know SVA’s D-Crit Program, Meet Milton Glaser (New Date!)

dcrit.gifHere’s your chance to get the scoop on the graduate program that we can’t stop talking about and meet the legendary Milton Glaser (you know you ♥ him!). On Saturday, November 17, the School of Visual Arts’ Design Criticism department will host an afternoon of presentations and informal discussion about its MFA in Design Criticism, better known by its rapper name, D-Crit. Students past and present will talk about their experiences, delightful D-Crit chairperson Alice Twemlow will provide a program overview, and faculty members Adam Harrison Levy (BBC documentary producer) and Karrie Jacobs (Metropolis columnist) will discuss the courses they teach. Stick around to hear the man, the myth, the Glaser reflect on the nature and role of design criticism. We hear that coffee, mimosas, and donuts will be yours for the taking, and if you ask nicely, they might let you peruse the twelve-volume reprint set of Domus that we spied in one of the D-Crit classrooms on a recent visit. Register here. And read on for a look at the department’s stellar fall lecture series. continued…

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