Movie: concepts to make highways safer

The post Movie: concepts to make
highways safer
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: gadget that revamps vintage speakers

The post Movie: gadget that revamps
vintage speakers
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: weather-evoking and horizontal showers

The post Movie: weather-evoking
and horizontal showers
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: cultural centre in China by Zaha Hadid

The post Movie: cultural centre in
China by Zaha Hadid
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: creating bubbles in a blown-glass chandelier

The post Movie: creating bubbles in
a blown-glass chandelier
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: student housing block modelled on baskets

The post Movie: student housing block
modelled on baskets
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: clip-on buttons inspired by modernist architecture

The post Movie: clip-on buttons inspired
by modernist architecture
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: Patricia Urquiola rejects “masculine” kitchen design

The post Movie: Patricia Urquiola rejects
“masculine” kitchen design
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: Technology Will Save Us’ DIY kits and workshops

The post Movie: Technology Will Save
Us’ DIY kits and workshops
appeared first on Dezeen.

Movie: open source plastic chair made at sea

The post Movie: open source plastic
chair made at sea
appeared first on Dezeen.