issue 12: Tonja Torgerson

photo from Tonja’s blog

photo from Tonja’s blog

Issue 12‘s major theme is “creative adventure”. Obviously a broad theme and open to interpretation, a creative adventure can be as extensive as a trip to a foreign land, embarking on a new area of study or simply looking at your immediate surroundings in a new way.

Artist Tonja Torgerson‘s creative adventure was an artist’s residency on the Fogo Islands. I receive her email newsletters and this is how I found out about her creative adventure. I asked her to write a recap about the experience. You can read the full article in the current issue and browse her blog to read her posts from the residency.

Doin’ the Pigeon

Bert should really be a guest curator for UPPERCASE. First we featured his bottlecap collection, and now pigeons!

Issue 12!

Yes, it’s true! UPPERCASE #12 is out and about. Thanks to quick couriers, it is very likely at all of our North American stockists by now. Subscriber copies are in the mail — you’ll have to wait a bit longer for the mail to arrive, but for those of you who were active subscribers as of January 4, you will receive a special bonus insert:

This letterpressed piece is on paper handmade by Porridge Papers in Lincoln, Nebraska.

In addition to being specially made for UPPERCASE, this paper is embedded with wildflower seeds so you can plant it and watch it grow! Thank you to Christopher James and the crew at Porridge Papers for making this possible. Thank you to the fine photographers Josh and Aubrey Leeker, for suggesting Porridge Papers as a topic and for doing a great job documenting the process. I’ll be posting a photography gallery of the article soon.

*please note that the insert was placed in those subscriptions still valid or renewed as of January 4. 

Issue #12 cover reveal

Here’s the cover for Issue #12 (out in January) illustrated by Anne Smith!

Sign up for the e-newsletter for specials…

I send out an email newsletter every so often… (like right now!) it contains specials and discounts not shown here on the website or on twitter. I invite you to sign up and see what is happening behind the scenes…

I usually preview the next cover to the e-newsletter list first! I should have a new cover, illustrated by Anne Smith, ready to show you soon!

Cartolina Postale

Fiona Richards at Cartolina has done it again! Another beautiful iPhone app… but this time it combines print: you download the free app and the include your photography on Cartolina-designed postcard templates… a few days later and, voila! your postcard arrives by mail to its destination (you just pay per use). Check out Cartolina Postale and send your friends and family a photo postcard.

Look for an article about Fiona and her creative business, written by Erin Loechner, in the next issue of UPPERCASE! (#12, January)

Participate: share your story of creative adventure

Hearing from our readers and subscribers is always inspiring. For issue #12, I’m collecting stories of creative adventure… Did you quit your day job to start a creative business? Did you go on a sketching or photography odyssey? Did you travel to far off lands to pursue an artistic dream? Did you uproot your family for a year on the road? Please share your unique story by filling in the form here.

Trend: Maps (Call for submissions)

ElizabethStLuciusArtMyBeardedPigeonLigattoselvaticoLittle Owl Design
Do you use maps in a creative way? Are they an integral and graphic part of your products or artwork? Whether vintage or modern, factual or whimsical, we welcome your submission for a feature about map trends. Files should be at least 4 inches wide at 300dpi. Please follow the upload instructions here. Submission deadline November 15.