Tonight at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club – Modernica’s Frank Novak On How to Make an Eames Chair


Tonight! Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club enthusiastically welcomes Frank Novak of Modernica, Inc.!

Tonight’s talk starts at 6pm at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Frank Novak (Modernica, Inc.)
How to Make an Eames Fiberglass Chair? The History & Revival of an American Icon
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
Tuesday, May 14th, 6pm PST

Frank Novak is the co-founder of Modernica, Inc. Modernica owns the original presses and the original preform machine that were used by Zenith Plastics for Charles Eames production of Herman Miller chairs. Their preform machine is the only such machine in existence. Both the presses and the preform machine are the very same pieces of equipment used to create thousands and thousands of chairs since their very first run in 1950 and now sixty years later, these seminal pieces of equipment are located at Modernica’s new Los Angeles factory.

051413_Image_01.jpgFrom the Modernica Archives

051413_Image_02.jpgFrom the Modernica Archives

051413_Image_03.jpgFrom the Modernica Archives

Frank Novak grew up in Omaha Nebraska where his family owned car dealerships from the 30’s to the 70’s, and an antique store from 75 to 2001. He went to Goddard College, Evergreen College and New College of California. Frank moved to California in 1986 and worked as a set builder and production designer for Roger Corman. He was the Art Director for Woody Harrelson’s first film, Cool Blue. In 2000 his directorial debut Good Housekeeping was an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival. While working on films he began building furniture and in 1989 founded Modernica with his brother Jay. Together they were one of the first American companies to reproduce out of production mid century furniture. Modernica products, including the George Nelson Bubble Lamp and the Eames Fiberglass chair are sold worldwide. Modernica employs over 100 people in the Los Angeles area at their factory and film prop rental house.



Tonight at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club – Matthew Reineck of Half Iron Design


Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club is thrilled to present Half Iron Design’s Matthew Reineck, industrial designer and fabricator of finely-crafted crafted guitars and ukeleles!

Tonight’s talk starts at 6 at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Matthew Reineck
Half Iron Design: “Building from the Basement”
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
Tuesday, April 30th, 6pm PST

I plan to speak about my current work and how to build musical instruments on a small scale, at very high quality and with limited space and resources. I’ll talk not only about building wood products, but about taking full advantage of what’s around you and where you live to keep the creative spirit alive. I’ve lived in one bedroom apartments, shared spaces, houses and in each I’ve been able to build and craft goods from prints, to textiles, to musical instruments. I’ll share my experiences and knowledge to help people build no matter where they are in life.



Late in high school, seeking alternatives for creativity outside of the school environment, Matt began woodworking with his grandfather. The instant passion that was formed lead to the discovery of industrial design and to a degree from The Ohio State University. Upon graduation, Matt moved west to Seattle and built his first basement guitar in 2002. Rather quickly that turned into a career and Matt has worked for music companies Dusty Strings, First Act Inc. and at music video game producer Harmonix as an industrial designer. More than ten years later, a constant in Matt’s life has been building, no matter the living situation or resources at hand. Half Iron Design was started in late 2012 with an emphasis on building electric guitars and ukuleles. But in the basement, anything can be built.



Tool Roll Wrap-Up with Red Clouds Collective


One of the great joys of running a store is getting to meet and get to know people who are really in love with making things. Red Clouds Collective, who manufacture leather and canvas goods, have the spirit and industriousness that attracts both the eye and heart of us designers. We carry a range of their products and took the time last week to shoot some of them in context to help convey the vibe that their enterprise puts off first-hand.

Check out their products on their website and at the Hand-Eye Supply store!






Tonight at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club – Theoretical Physicist Ethan Siegel of Starts with a Bang!


Tonight! Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club enthusiastically presents theoretical physicist Ethan Siegel of Starts with a Bang!

Tonight’s talk starts at 6pm at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Ethan Siegel: Starts with a Bang
“What Makes Up The Universe?”

Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
Tuesday, April 16th, 6PM PST

We normally think of the Universe as being made up of the same things our Solar System is made up of: protons, neutrons, electrons and light. But when we look out at the Universe on the largest scales, it tells us a different story. In this talk, I’ll talk about three key observations in the study of the large-scale Universe—distant supernovae, the Cosmic Microwave Background, and the clustering of galaxies—to show how we arrived at a Universe where the normal matter that makes up everything we know is less that 5% of what’s out there. Dark matter and dark energy also play a heavy role in our Universe, and a discussion of that will ensue.

041613_Image_01.jpgFluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (observed).



Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply presents the Kaweco Sport Fountain Pen


This year Germany’s Kaweco (Koch, Weber & Co.) brand celebrates its 130th year of producing fine writing implements. Since their beginnings in Heidelberg in 1883, the brand has survived two World Wars, bankruptcy, a factory fire and a 14 year closure.


1912 saw the origins of Kaweco’s Sport fountain pen, first advertised as a “safety pen for ladies, officers and sports guys.” The following year, the short pocket pen was officially released as the Sport Series with the claim of having the “safest closure in every situation.”

In 1929, Kaweco was purchased by Aurumia, a fountain pen manufacturer with factories based in Baden. Five years later, Aurumia developed the Sport and it took on an appearance very similar to the one we sell today. Due to their convenient size, they became a bestseller, although they faded in popularity in the mid-70s.

Kaweco closed in 1980, and thus the Sport pen disappeared from the marketplace. In 1994 Kaweco was revived by H & M Gutberlet who specialize in both writing instruments and cosmetic products, particularly eye and lip liners.

Gutberlet released a slightly updated take on the Kaweco Sport—the same style we sell today, nearly 20 years later. We carry them in both CNC machined solid aluminum and injection molded plastic bodies.

Here’s our handy pocket guide to the Kaweco Sport:

Kaweco_Large_Final.jpgClick to enlarge; detailed instructions after the jump…



Tonight at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club – Karl Anderson of C.H.U.N.K. 666


Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club is excited to present Karl Anderson of C.H.U.N.K. 666, mutant bicycle enthusiasts!

Tonight’s talk starts at 6 p.m. at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Karl Anderson:
C.H.U.N.K 666 “Aquachoppers of C.H.U.N.K. 666”

Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
Tuesday, April 2, 6 p.m. PST

C.H.U.N.K. 666 is a mutant bicycle club and civic society which has been building, riding, destroying and rebuilding human-powered choppers, tallbikes and battle wagons for 20 years. We’ve previously held free yearly public gladiatorial contests and historical re-enactments, but more recently, we prefer to injure ourselves privately. One way we do this is with a regular amphibious camping trip to Ross Island, the hollowed-out toxic waste dump and quarry in the middle of Portland.


This talk will briefly discuss our history, our philosophy of building machines out of trash, and our interactions with the city around us before describing how we create, operate and destroy amphibious human-powered vehicles.

Karl Anderson is a hardware and software experimenter who is good at thinking up projects but bad at predicting whether or not they will be practical. He has recently been involved in a travelling postapocalyptic training installation and a free telephone company.


Selections from Hand-Eye Supply’s Spring Quarterly 2013


Last Thursday we debuted our Spring Quarterly 2013 Catalog for Hand-Eye Supply, featuring tools and workwear we’ve selected for their fine use in Spring landscaping and gardening excursions. Starring Lauren Hall-Behrens, the landscape designer at Lilyvilla Gardens and a series of video gifs, we’re excited to get started grooming our greenery. Here are a few highlights from the catalog that are new to us in the store, we thought we’d share them with you.


Using only the best quality stainless and high-carbon steel blanks hot forged by hand, each component of Sheffield made Ernest Wright & Son scissors is individually tempered, hardened and oil quenched. This gives the blade its needed hardness and prepares it for grinding, while the loop or “bow” is left softer for later fine adjustment. The blades are hand-ground and polished, before being assembled by official “putter-togetherers”—a position highly respected within the company for the level of skill and experience required. While Lauren likes to use them for shaping up her shrubbery, they make a brilliant pair of all around scissors, and properly cared for could last a lifetime.

Ernest Wright & Son “General Cutting Out Scissors”
Available at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply – $45.00


Give it a chance and this cool and calculating object could put half of your garden tools out of work. The ultimate dirt-fighter, Hori Hori knives have been employed by savvy gardeners and gatherers for generations. Japanese in origin, Hori Hori is an onomonopia meaning “dig dig”, calling on the sound of dirty work getting done.

Nisaku Stainless Steel Hori Hori Knife
Available at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply – $35.00


Hand-Eye Supply Quarterly – Selections for Spring 2013

Hand-Eye Supply is excited to roll out our second quarterly lookbook, Selections for Spring 2013! The small quatra-annual publication gives you a look at what’s good in gear and gifts for the coming season. Art Directed and Photographed by Christine Taylor and concepted by the team at Hand-Eye Supply, we’ve created a series of gifs highlighting a special selection of tools, bags, workwear and trappings to prepare you for getting outside and into the dirt.

Our featured model is the lovely and talented Lauren Hall-Behrens, the landscape designer at Lilyvilla Gardens. Lilyvilla Gardens is a garden and landscape design studio specializing in connecting person to place; creating meaningful spaces in the nature that surrounds your home. Lauren’s passions for nature, sculpture and the creative process made her an ideal subject for this edition of the Quarterly.

‘Tis the season for getting green, we want you out there making it bloom. Keep an eye out for the Hori Hori serrated steel garden knife, imported from Japan, the exquisite Ernest Wright & Sons scissors from Sheffield and USA-made waterproof notebooks from Rite in the Rain.


Tonight at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club – Trevin Miller of Mr. Green Beans


Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club is excited to present Trevin Miller of Mr. Green Beans, Portland’s D.I.Y. coffee roasting guru!

Tonight’s talk starts at 6 at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Trevin Miller:
Mr. Green Beans “Home Coffee Roasting – It’s That Easy!”
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
Tuesday, March 19th, 6PM PST

Home Coffee Roasting is fun and easy. For a modest price and very little to no investment in specialized equipment, you can turn raw green coffee beans into a spectacular cup of coffee. It only takes a little practice and you can easily create freshly roasted coffee that will rival even the best commercially produced coffees.

Why roast your own coffee? Everyone seems to answer this in a slightly different manner, but the main ideas are the same. The biggest reason for most people is that fresh roasted coffee just tastes better. It’s smooth and rich and doesn’t have the acrid acidic bite that many associate with store bought coffee. Unfortunately, roasted coffee has a very short shelf life and is only fresh for about 7–10 days. Raw coffee on the other hand is shelf stable and can be easily stored until you are ready to roast it. This allows you to roast only what you will consume within a reasonable amount of time, allowing you to always have fresh roasted coffee. Another reason people choose to roast their own coffee is the price. For as much as 1/2 the price of store bought coffee and as little as six minutes of your time, you can create delicious craft roasted coffee. One big benefit of roasting at home is control. By roasting your own coffee, you gain control of the process and you can dial it in to your own personal preferences. Great coffee roasted just the way you like it, and for half the cost! Why not roast your own coffee?


As co-owner(the male half) of Mr. Green Beans, Trevin has unintentionally become Mr. Green Beans. From helping coffee shop owners who are just starting down the coffee roasting path to helping homeroasters trouble shoot their latest batch, Trevin is always willing to share ideas and pass on the insights he has gained from the many pounds of coffee he has roasted. Even though he has access to some of the best professional equipment, Trevin is quick to fire up his old popcorn popper to show a visitor just how easy it is to roast coffee.


Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply presents the IXL British Army Knife


At Hand-Eye Supply we love a good pocket knife, and we’re always looking out for another one that will tickle our fancy. It’s definitely a bonus when it has a compelling story to it as well.

Historically, Sheffield has been the center of Steel and Cutlery in the UK for more than 700 years—in fact, the term ‘Cutler’ was first used on Sheffield tax return in 1297. The IXL British Army Knife has its roots in the 19th-Century military knives that had evolved from ‘workman’ knives that were used by coachman and tradesmen.

The marlin spike featured on these knives was an invaluable tool for the mariners who would use them to tie specialized functional knots for nautical purposes.

The rounded-off tip of the blade also reflects the mariner history, albeit a slightly grimmer side of it. This can also be seen in the Anchor knife we carry at Hand-Eye Supply. Sea conditions were often terse with many of the sailors being indentured, ‘Shanghai’d’ or enslaved. A stab wound was almost certainly a death sentence at sea. The rounded blade prevented stabbings.

The tin opener showed up in the late 1800s, allowing soldiers in the field to open their canned food rations.

During WWI and WWII, Joseph Rodgers was the primary manufacturer of these knives, but the torch is now carried on by Egginton group, originally Egginton Bros. Ltd., formed in 1872, who have sought to preserve the once ailing Sheffield cutlery industry.


The British Army Knife offers a 2.25-inch sheepsfoot blade, can opener, forged marlin spike, and built-in flathead screwdriver. At four inches long and a slim quarter inch wide, it is very pocket-friendly but not misplaceably small.

$44.00 at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply store

More images after the jump…
