Tonight: Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club presents Matt Foster of Foster Knives


Tonight, Core77 enthusiastically welcomes Matt Foster, Co-Owner and Designer of Foster Knives, to the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, Oct. 11th
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

The focus of Matt’s talk will be an overview of his design process when creating knives. Foster Knives are designed initially with a purpose driven or market driven perspective. Each influences the design in its own way, affecting the blade shape, the materials, whether it is locked or fixed and other factors. Then we’ll examine how marketing and manufacturing influences are integrated into the design process. Finally Matt will go over some specific processes as examples of how those influences play out, and the importance of not allowing the manufacturing to be the only things that mitigates the design.


Matt Foster has spent his entire career working in the sporting goods and shooting sports industry. His professional experience with knives and design began at Gerber Legendary Blades. Noticing that there was a market niche not being served by existing makers and designers, he taught himself to design and make his own brand of knives. Experience gained from designing his own knives led him to design and create other products relevant to his career: scope mounts, shotgun stocks, gun cleaning equipment and firearms accessories.



Tonight: Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club presents Mark Keppinger – Theremin Wizard

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Tonight, Core77 enthusiastically welcomes Mark Keppinger, Theremin Maker, to the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, Sept. 13th
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

The Theremin was born when Lev Sergeyevich Termen (Leon Theremin), a Russian scientist, was working with radio sets in the 1920’s and noticed they would squeal and howl when placed close to each other. He was determined to develop an instrument that would allow the player to control both the pitch and volume. Hence the Theremin was born.

After vanishing into obscurity a few years later, the Theremin enjoyed a rebirth of popularity first by sci-fi movies that needed “scary sounds,” and later by musicians of the ’60s. Contemporary musicians using Theremins include Led Zeppelin, Hawkwind and the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (above), whose Theremin Mark Keppinger custom built for them.


Come see where Theremins are in 2011! Demonstrations provided and questions gladly answered.

Mark Keppinger manufactures high quality tube theremins in Portland, OR. He has recently developed circuit boards for a new Theremin design that has been sent out to 14 boards to Theremin enthusiasts around the world (three in Europe). They will be building them up and sharing their experiences: what worked and didn’t work, similarities—a Theremin experiment gone wild!



Hand-Eye Supply Promo Video by Justin Koleszar and Spencer Gentz

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Portland Film Makers Justin Koleszar and Spencer Gentz have been putting together short promotional videos for local businesses such as Lille Boutique and the Woodlands. Hand-Eye Supply was fortunate enough to have a piece done as well. Koleszar directed and Gentz did the cinematography and music. We feel they did a great job capturing the breadth of product in the store as well as the maker spirit of our brand!

Core 77’s Hand Eye Supply from Justin Koleszar on Vimeo.


Tonight: Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club presents Joe Mansfield and Ken Tomita of Grove


Tonight, Core77 welcomes Joe Mansfield and Ken Tomita of Grove to our bi-weekly creative speaker series: The Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, May 3
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

“Why Made in Portland Kicks Ass”

Grove will discuss the numerous benefits of local manufacturing, touching on the difficulties they’ve encountered in their mission to keep it local. Portland is known for it’s strong DIY culture and artisan community, and Grove takes this spirit to the extreme by doing everything themselves. Joe and Ken will talk about how they transformed their idealistic vision into reality.


Curiosity Club Q+A with Kurt Mottweiler


With the next Curiosity Club less than a week a way, we came up with a few queries for our speaker, Kurt Mottweiler, to get an insight in to his work. Kurt meticulously designs and builds traditional, film-based cameras that range from the simplest, lensless, wooden cameras to fully computer-controlled, rotating panoramic cameras.

Kurt will be speaking next Tuesday, April 19th at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland at 6PM.

You work in both wood and metal to create your P.90 Pinhole Cameras. Are there any tools you find indispensable in your work?

I work with a range of tools and equipment much of which would be familiar to a typical woodworker or machinist and some of it to a mad scientist. But similar to the craft of luthery in which I worked, there are a wide variety of special tools, machines and equipment involved in craft-based camera making. Perhaps my favorite is the Swiss-made, Aciera F3 compound milling machine. I’m also slowly building a small CNC machine. I’ll show images of a few others during the presentation.

Cameras have a chronological component in that they record a moment in time. Does that interest you and how does it affect your work?


Photo Gallery: Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Flagship Store


Take a peek behind the making of Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply flagship store in Portland, Oregon. Designed by Laurence Sarrazin, we built the space out ourselves with some generous help from our friends and the store has quickly become a destination for creatives of all types. The retail store also functions as gallery, our west coast office, and a place to host Curiosity Clubour in-house speaker series.

If you’re ever in Portland, please feel free to drop in and say hi, we’re always happy to meet our readers and give you the lowdown on what’s happening.

Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209
Open daily: 12pm – 6pm

» View Gallery
