Gift Guides 2011


Tiffany and I already started preparing finding great items for the Bloesem and BKids gift guides 2011. We will start sharing them with you around the third week of October and we will be keeping the same format like last year, with many different categories, becasue many of you told us that you liked it and thought it was an easy way to look for your perfect gift. 

Why am I telling you this … well… just like last year you can be part of the guide by becoming a sponsor with your online shop and have a permanent spot on the sidebanner. The ad will run for EVER… 

Placing an ad will cost only USD 50.-  … just shoot me an email if you are interested to buy on either Bloesem or BKids or both 🙂

{note: the ad space is at the Gift Guide 2011 page, not the home page of Bloesem or BKids}


The Bloesem Gift Guide 2010

Gift Guide : only Handmade today


This was perhaps my favorite category of my gift guides Handmade Only... 36 pieces that will make beautiful presents!

click here to visit the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010.

Gifts for the walls… prints/poster/art

Gift Guide : the Living Room


I believe the offcial season for the Gift Guides has started 🙂 and although we already posted 7 other categories I'm very happy to continue with a couple more this week. It's always fun to find products online you really like …today some ideas to cheer up a Living-Room

click here to visit the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010.

36 Papergoods ideas to give…


Not 24 but 36 gift ideas made from Paper I have added to the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010 just now…I love this category and I hope you do too. They all make great and easy presents, would suggest not to wait to long for ordering, many of them are handmade and probably out of stock real soon. Tomorrow, yes Saturday I will share my 'some things I liked this week' with you…now I'm going to start celebrating our Friday evening….wish you fun too! 

Click here to see the 36 Papergoods gifts and their links to the shops

Bedroom Gifts a new category for the Gift Guide


I just added a new category to the Bloesem Gift Guideall things beautiful for your bedroom…hope you like my finds and that they come in handy for your search for Holiday Season presents…just click here to see the complete Gift Guide…well not complete yet, I will be adding categories like, living-room, paper-goods, garden and kids rooms later during the coming weeks…

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Gifts to Wear…24 pieces you will love


I believe that the Holiday Season is the perfect time to give a special accessory to someone, can be a sister, lover, mother or friend …the necklaces, purses, brooches and more are all items I personally would like to wear…which makes it a very lovely post for me today 🙂 Santa…did you here me?

Click here to see the 24 pieces I selected…the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010


Vintage gift ideas for the Bloesem Gift Guide


A new category today for the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010…perhaps my favorite category 🙂

Vintage Gifts…enjoy…click here to go to the Gift Guide Page.

Bloesem’s Joy & Good Tidings Gift Guide 2010: The Kitchen


Happy to share the second categroy for the Bloesem Gift Guide 2010…today ideas for the Kitchen …hope you find my tips useful 🙂

Many more categories to come during the coming weeks…stay tuned…

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