Eunique Jones Gibson on Expressing Her Passions with Photography


Photographer Eunique Jones Gibson has used her craft to address societal issues, like the controversial Trayvon Martin verdict. In her latest thought-provoking photo campaign, Because of Them, We Can, children are depicted as African-American heroes, both past and present, as a way to inspire other young people of color.

Gibson went from an advertising account manager at Microsoft to professional photographer in a span of four years. During this time, she used every spare moment to perfect her skills. Here, Gibson shares some tips for those just starting out behind the lens:

Find your passion. “I had to try a number of things to figure out what I liked, from photographing models to shooting parties and events. I realized that wasn’t what I wanted to do. I love ‘love.’ Whether it’s a story about people falling in love, families in love or kids who exude love, that’s what I identify with. I also love being able to share my passion for social justice. That’s a niche carved through trial and error, so try different things to figure out what speaks to you.”

Identify what makes you unique. “Why are you different from all other photographers? There are enough to go around, so you need to carve out your own space, whether it’s how you light subjects or the angles that you shoot from or the type of focus that you have. Partner with other photographers so you can shadow them, but home in on something that makes you different from anyone else.”

For more from Gibson, including details on her plans to expand the “Because of Them” campaign, read: Hey, How’d You Launch an Inspirational Photography Campaign, Eunique Jones Gibson?

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