Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Black-painted pine clads the walls of this small gabled house by Swedish studio Erik Andersson Architects on an island in the Stockholm archipelago (+ slideshow).

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

The single-storey house is covered with a traditional Falu Rödfärg paint to give it an austere appearance, while the symmetrical roof is clad with black tar paper to match.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Erik Andersson Architects used an exact 1:3 proportion to generate the dimensions of the building, creating a six-metre height, a six-metre width and an 18-metre length.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Located in a woodland area on the island of Yxlan, the building is constructed over a wooden podium that creates a continuous deck around its perimeter. This allow residents to sit in the sun at any time of day.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Large square windows meet the ground on each elevation so that different rooms can be opened out to the deck.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Contrasting with the exterior, most rooms inside the house have white-painted walls, floors and ceilings. The bathroom is the only exception and is lined with square black tiles.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

A living and dining room occupies the central section of the house. A double bedroom sits on one side, while a bathroom, a single bedroom and a sauna are positioned at the opposite end.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

The house also features an outdoor plunge pool, which can be heated using a wood-burning stove.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Stockholm firm Erik Andersson Architects also recently completed a pedestrian bridge with a built-in heating system to keep it clear of ice and snow.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

See more houses in Sweden on Dezeen, including one with a glass-fronted lookout loft and one with an aquarium-like swimming pool.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Photography is by Åke E-son Lindman.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects

Here’s some more information from Erik Andersson Architects:

Strict proportions by Erik Andersson

On Yxlan in the northern Stockholm archipelago, Erik Andersson Architects has designed the archetypal house. Designed strictly by using the proportional ratio of 1:3, the house measures six meters in depth, eighteen meters in length and six meters in height.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects
Ground floor plan

The facade windows also follow a clear pattern: they are all square in form and have the same size. The villa is situated on natural ground, surrounded by pine trees and spruces, and much of the surroundings have been preserved. A terrace runs around the building, making it possible for the residents to lounge and enjoy the sun at any time of the day.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects
Cross section

Glass panels on both sides open views right through the house and provide a constant contact with the sea. The house is clad with horizontal pine panels, painted black with Falu Rödfärg – a traditional Swedish paint that can be traced right back to the 16th century – while the roof is covered with tar felt.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects
North elevation – click for larger image

As a contrast to the black exterior, the interior is dominated by white. Everything from the walls and pine floors is painted white – except for the bathroom, where black tiles cover everything from the walls to the floor, and a window, high up in the ceiling, provides a glimpse of the sky.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects
West elevation – click for larger image

The house also features a sauna with a panoramic view to the sea and the cruise ships passing by, as well as a custom made outdoor plunge pool, which can be heated for winter use with a wood-fired stove.

Villa Wallin by Erik Andersson Architects
South elevation – click for larger image

Project name: Villa Wallin
Type: Private Residence
Location: Yxlan, Stockholm archepelago, Sweden
Status: Completed
Client: Mats Wallin and Petra Ryrberg
Architect: Erik Andersson Architects
Budget: EUR 150.000
Size: 108m.

The post Villa Wallin by
Erik Andersson Architects
appeared first on Dezeen.

Snow-free heated bridge opens in Sweden

News: a Stockholm architecture firm has completed a pedestrian bridge with a built-in heating system to keep it clear of ice and snow.

Bridges typically ice up faster than roads and pavements because they have more exposed surfaces, so Erik Andersson Architects solved the problem by circulating warm air through the structure.

The bridge is like a hollow beam with hot air inside it, explained Erik Andersson. “As we only wanted to heat the walkway, we used insulation to direct the heat to the right place,” he told Dezeen.

“We wanted a slim bridge and the conventional heating alternatives would have made the bridge too fat.”

Tullhus Bridge by Erik Andersson Architects

Located in Norrköping, approximately 100 miles south-west of Stockholm, Tullhus Bridge provides a route between the new residential area of Strömsholmen and the north quay in the city centre.

The steel walkway spans just over 70 metres and has an hourglass body that tapers towards the middle, while LED bulbs have been fitted under the handrails to illuminate the bridge at night.

Tullhus Bridge by Erik Andersson Architects

We recently featured a looping bridge in Sarajevo and a bridge held up by helium balloons in a historic estate in England – see all bridges.

Photographs are by Åke E:son Lindman.

The post Snow-free heated bridge
opens in Sweden
appeared first on Dezeen.