Retractable Earphones

Ice or Integrated Case Earphone is a retractable set of earphones that are built into the phone case. You simple tug at the earphones to extend the cord and then give them a slight pull, to retract. Essentially the design takes care of your wires and tangles mess; eliminating the need to wind them up or storing them separately. Love the idea, now only if someone will make it!

Designer: Yuljae Lee

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Retractable Earphones was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Super Flat and Retractable Cord
  2. Clothing Iron with Retractable Heat
  3. Earphones Tangled No More


Earphones With A Play

The Freestyler earphone incorporates a very fun element to their design. A part of this earphone is made out of special coated wire that can be easily twisted and turned into a shape. This means you can easily store them or wear them in-ear. The special wire in the middle is for clipping to the collar or the pocket. You can bend it to really cool shapes! Kawaii!

Designer: Heewon Lee

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Earphones With A Play was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Earphones Tangled No More
  2. Replaceable Earphones
  3. Earphones Strapped