Watch and Learn: There’s More Than One Way to Additively Manufacture a Metal

Earlier this week, when I posted a video about 3D-printed bike parts, I was simply too excited about the prospect of digitally fabricating dropouts to concern myself with the technology behind the collaboration between Charge Bikes and EADS. Commenter Modul called me out on my lack of due diligence, piquing my interest in a process known as DMLS, short for Direct Metal Laser Sintering. Had I done my research, I might have dug up commenter Lori Hobson’s mention of “DMLS, a process for METAL, even titanium!!!”… in response to a 2008 (!) post on rapid prototyping. (Just a friendly reminder that we welcome and value constructive comments from our readers!)


It turns out that Hobson, at the time, was at product development consultancy MindTribe, and she’d recently learned about the process herself. Frankly, her lengthy March 2008 blog post is a pitch-perfect introduction to the process, and I’d recommend it for anyone who needs a primer.


Which brings us to 3T RPD, who provided the images in Hobson’s post (reproduced here). The UK-based additive manufacturing outfit that has been the country’s largest SLS (plastic 3D printing) provider for over a decade. They recognized the potential of DMLS early on and are currently the major provider of metal AM since their first foray into DMLS in 2007. Their site has further details on DMLS for prospective clients, including a quasi-archaelogical video, as well as case studies.


As 3T RPD notes, the EOS M270/280 is more or less the industry standard for DMLS machines… at least to the extent that they’ve made their way stateside. We’d direct U.S. clients to SoCal’s Forecast3D or Illinois-based GPI Prototype to get their metals directly laser-sintered. For those of you who prefer a bit of faux-drama for your edification, the latter produced a “Super Cheesy but Funny Video on Direct Metal Laser Sintering for Rapid Prototype and Additive Manufacturing”:

Indeed, a more recent (and recommended) survey of 3D Metal Printing indicates that:

According to several reports, it is clear that European design and manufacturing firms are more advanced at both creating and utilizing additive technologies than their US counterparts (especially in the medical and dental arenas). And firms such as Boeing, Airbus, and even NASA are already using systems from the likes of EOS and Arcam.

Where Munich-based EOS specializes in DMLS, Sweden’s Arcam is the current leader in Electron Beam Melting, or EBM, which is explained more or less in full in the informative CGI above. For reference, an in-depth comparison of the two processes can be found here, and Arcam has done well to post a comprehensive company profile on YouTube. Unfortunately, videos of actual EBMing are, well, kinda trippy to say the least: it’s hard to tell what, exactly, is going on amid the roving sci-fi lasers and crazy disco shimmering. Take a look:

(Another clip juxtaposes factual stills with the mesmerizing, if largely incomprehensible, EBM footage.)



Mark Frauenfelder on Kevin Mack’s 3D-Printed Sculptures


The Avant/Garde Diaries, an online interview magazine, recently posted a nice twofold profile of Make/BoingBoing’s Mark Frauenfelder and his friend, artist Kevin Mack.

Frauenfelder first discovered Kevin Mack through his special effects work on the film Fight Club; however, it was Mack’s strictly artistic work that really piqued Frauenfelder’s interest. Mack’s art takes the vast and still uncharted area of digital technology and brings it into the physical world. The results are images printed on canvas which vacillate between abstraction and photorealism, and virtual sculptures transformed into the tangible via three-dimensional printing technology.

The short, entitled “Between Order and Chaos,” opens with a bit of background on the DIY/punk/zine aesthetic before Frauenfelder proceeds to introduce the visual effects supervisor and visual artist. Both Frauenfelder and Mack agree that we’ve only begun to grasp the fine art potential of 3D printing technology.

We’ve seen semi-sculptural 3D-printed objects before—including clocks, shoes and yes,
sculptures—but Mack’s work is decidedly more abstract. As he writes of the work pictured below,

An array of shapes form complex relationships through selective random happenstance and deliberate design. The forms are entangled and weave inside and outside together in purposeful and irrational ways.The apparently organized structural system provides conflicting stimuli. Rules are established but not adhered to. Identity and function appear determinable, but are not. Many internal details remain hidden from view. The object’s complete form is unknowable. It is a man made mystery.

The sculpture was created from constrained random implicit surfaces and procedurally derived structures. These were distorted with turbulent noise prior to extensive direct sculpting and manual manipulation.

Like a Rorschach ink blot, it is designed to make you see things from your own mind. What do you see?


As we saw yesterday, digital fabrication is increasingly a cost-effective, practical solution to many modern manufacturing quandaries. But just as the real-world applications of digital fabrication remains to be seen, so too does technology’s artistic potential remain all but limitless.


Charge Bikes x EADS: 3D Printing Titanium Parts for a Bicycle Frame


3D printing has been heading into uncharted territory of late, what with a recent recent, as-yet-unresolved IP debate. Yet while the DIY/consumer-oriented 3D printers are typically designed to extrude thermoplastics such as ABS, I (for one) didn’t realize that 3D printing can also be used to make metal parts in a similar fashion. One commercially available process, electron beam melting (EBM to those in the know), has been around for upwards of a decade and its major applications include medical implants and aerospace engineering.


Alternately, as commenter Modul notes, metal objects can also be digitally fabricated in what is known as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), which allows for a higher level of detail but requires postprocess thermal treatment, which is not necessary with EBM (a detail comparison of the two processes can be found European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) recently collaborated with Charge Bikes (no acronym necessary) of Bristol, UK, on fabricating titanium dropouts for some of their cyclocross frames.


Andy Hawkins of EADS Innovation Works notes that “the key benefit of this technology [is that] we’re able to manufacture components with a much higher degree of complexity. Features that were totally impossible with conventional machining, for instance, are now possible.”


Additionally (or is that additively?), 3D-printing is substantially less wasteful than traditional subtractive methods, in which a block of material is milled or machined down to the final product: the excess powder (at 2:09 in the video below) can be reused.


Watch and learn:


MakerBots Make Things for the Future–and Save Machines from the Past


On the subway ride home I thought I’d peed myself, and discovered why the seller had been so eager to get rid of the machine. Cradled in my lap was a fairly rare 1965 overlock machine, Singer’s 460/13 (above), and somewhere between 72nd and 14th Street it produced a large, oily wet spot spreading from crotch to mid-thigh on my jeans. It was leaking oil like crazy, a detail the Craigslist seller had neglected to mention while taking my money.

Back at home I took the machine apart, put it back together and spent a week getting it running again. I also found the source of the leak: A ruined gasket whose online price is $1.50. It’s an irregularly-shaped 2-ounce piece of rubber and no one in the world seems to stock it anymore. This isn’t the first time one of my projects has stalled for want of a sub-10-dollar, no-longer-available part. And this is why I want a magic 3D printer that can make things out of metal, plastic, and rubber.

I might be screwed, but I was heartened to read MakerBot’s story of Malcolm Messiter, a guy who fixes old machines like me. Messiter’s machines, however, play music. His 1970 Robert Goble self-playing harpsichord was out of commission with bad “jacks,” the little plastic bits that hold the thingies that pluck the strings in place.


MakerBot to the rescue:

To replace all the jacks on this instrument with custom wood pieces (there are 183 of them), Malcolm would have had to shell out something like £2000. That’s $3100. And having custom plastic pieces made for the job? Forget about it.

But Malcolm has The Replicator, which can make anything, including 183 harpsichord jacks, and then 183 more. And now he has a functioning harpsichord. As far as we know, and as far as Malcolm knows, he is the first to perform this life-saving operation on a harpsichord. Like so many people on Thingiverse and others in the MakerBot world, he’s a total pioneer.

…Malcolm tells me that, all told, these pieces average 3.62 grams when he makes them at 75% infill and one shell. MakerBot sells Natural ABS for $43 per kilogram. This means the entire repair set costs about $28.48 in materials.


In the photo above you’ll also spot the iPhone stand he printed out on his M’Bot; this lets him run a a tuning app on it while keeping both hands free to adjust the machine. Not too shabby, Messiter.


WREX, 3D Printed "Magic Arms" and the Future of Pediatric Prosthetics


Two-year-old Emma was born with anthrogryposis (AMC), a rare congenital disease that affects muscle strength. At a family conference, Emma’s mother learned about the Wilmington Robotic Exoskeleton (WREX), an assistive device made of hinged metal bars and resistance bands that enables people with underdeveloped arms to play and feed themselves.

Tariq Rahman and Whitney Sample of the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children had created an early prototype of the WREX, that worked for children as young as six. But the device was attached to a wheelchair and some children with AMC, including Emma, had use of their legs. The early version of the WREX was just too large and heavy for a child of Emma’s size.


Rahman and Sample found that, with the use of 3D printers, they were able to create a lightweight and flexible working prosthetic for Emma, that is customizable with easily replicated broken parts. The custom exoskeletons are printed in ABS plastic and attached to a plastic vest. Because of the ease of manufacturing, the exoskeleton can grow with the child which makes 3D printing especially exciting for those working in pediatric care.

Currently, fifteen children now use a custom 3D printed WREX device. Watch the full video of Emma’s story after the jump.


Contour Crafting: 3D Printing an Entire House


Remember the huge CNC we showed you in June? That one was made for milling out enormous wooden molds; but Behrokh Khoshnevis is working on a gargantuan 3D printer that can print out entire houses.

Khoshnevis is a professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California, and his system, Contour Crafting, calls for a moveable gantry whose rails are riding on ground presumably leveled the old-fashioned way, by a construction crew. Concrete houses can then be built up layer by layer, just like on a MakerBot, with spaces left empty to have plumbing and electrical modules inserted within them.

The original idea was to come up with a quick, inexpensive method of construction for disaster relief, but it’s easy to see how this could translate to first-world communities. The huge advantage of 3D-printing a house is that you no longer need hew to rectilinear construction methods. Our houses and apartment buildings are largely right angles because they’re made out of dimensional lumber, Glulam beams, bricks, cinder blocks, I-beams, et cetera; but as Khoshnevis points out in his TED talk, below, with 3D printing you can take advantage of complex—and beautiful—geometry.

There are a couple more surprises in the video about how this system would be both faster than traditional construction and produce less waste, but I won’t spoil them for you. (Check out the wall’s serpentine interior construction, though.)


Emmanuel Gilloz’ FoldaRap: A Foldable 3D Printer


Emmanuel Gilloz, a self-described “designer-geek-idealist” has invented the FoldaRap, a foldable version of the open-source RepRap 3D printer. While it’s more of a fold flat 3D printer, as it requires assembly rather than simply unfurling like an ironing board, it’s an impressive and creative direction for 3D printers to take. It’s not difficult to image being able to carry one of these with some raw plastic to a developing country or impoverished area, hooking it up to a generator, and printing out whatever’s needed locally.

France-based Gilloz spent over 500 hours developing the FoldaRap, and acknowledges the benefits of open-source:

Fortunately I could build upon the shoulders of others. To perpetuate that virtuous circle I also redistributed everything, since the very beginning, under the same open-source license. I also wanted to include a detailed BOM (Bill of Materials), a thing that I wish I could have seen more often in other projects.

…I designed the FoldaRap to be as easy as possible to build : you need few tools, and there is no distance to check during the assembly thanks to the push-fit strategy, making it easier to build than the previous models. While today it take a week to construct a classic RepRap and print something correct, the FoldaRap can be built in a day or two. With a kit well made we may even lower that time to few hours.


A Suitcase-Sized, 3-in-1 CNC Multi-Tool

IlanMoyer-PopFab-1.jpgIlanMoyer-PopFab-0.jpgWhat’s in the box?

Ilan Moyer of MIT’s Little Devices Lab and collaborator Nadya Peek of the school’s Center for Bits and Atoms are pleased to present the first episode—a teaser, really—of their so-new-there’s-no-website project “PopFab.”

As the logo suggests, PopFab will allow DIYers to produce archetypal goldfish in a variety of materials and methods. Moyer writes:

While the brief video only shows 3D printing, we also have toolheads working for vinyl cutting, milling and drawing (to be shown in future episodes). The underlying goal is to support the romantic dream of the “nomadic designer” traveling the world while designing and making things possibly inspired by spontaneous experiences on the road.


But can it make other things besides goldfish? We’ll have to wait until the next episode to find out… (talk about a cliffhanger!)


Making a Mountain Out of a Piece of Plywood


Ok, so it’s actually just a combination of a wall-sized CNC-routed halftone and a climbing wall—a scaled-down scalable surface, but it’s a noteworthy DIY project nonetheless. For $200 and “not more than a day” of savoir-faire, 3-axis routing and elbow-grease designer Christoph Schindler (half of Zurich-based “furniture architecture” firm Schindler Salmeró) built the “Fitz Roy Climbing Wall” as a birthday gift for his son.

We used a 2500 x 1250 x 15 mm plywood-board and painted it. The hole pattern for the image and the holes for the climbing holds were drilled with an old CNC 3-axis-router. Although the pattern looks complex, there was no scripting involved and everything was prepared with standard software tools.


For those of you who have said resources, Schindler’s provided detailed instructions of the entire process:

First we selected a nice image, in our case we decided for an image of Fitz Roy in Patagonia. Then we created a surface with the “heightfield from image”-operation in Rhino, choosing a height of 3mm (see below). The milling is done with “Plunge Roughing,” a standard CAM operation. In Plunge Roughing, the tool makes a series of plunges to remove cylindrical plugs of material. To get our pattern, we chose for an usual large distance of the plunges. The selected tool is a 6 mm-Ballnose-Tool. To use the radius of the ballnose for different hole diameters, the height difference of the surface equals the radius of the tool (this is were the 3mm come from). If the paint is applied before milling, the holes and the white background contrast sharply.



Michiel Cornelissen’s Zesch Interlocking Coasters


Digital manufacturing maven Michiel Cornelissen is at it again. At first blush his latest design, Zesch, appears to be the world’s worst ninja throwing star; in fact it’s a cool set of coasters that interlock, allowing you to use them as trivets for hot things larger than a highball.

