With London Design Festival in full swing, we finally had a chance to sit down for a drink and what better place than the opening of Designmarketo’s newest pop-up project: Bar Alto. Everyone who has ever been to Salone Milan Design Week, will be familiar with the infamous Bar Basso—the ultimate afterhours hang out where designers and design lovers make a pilgrimage to after all the shows have closed.
With Bar Alto, London Design Festival now has a similar spot (at least for the duration of this year’s festival), Designmarketo teamed up with Maurizio from Bar Basso in Milan, to create a pop up twin location in the British capital.
Designer Harry Thaler in front of the glass shelf that he designed for Bar Alto—in loving memory of the very wonderful Nicola Zocca, who sadly passed away this year.
They commissioned Harry Thaler to design the interior space in which they not only served exclusive locally brewed beer, but also Bar Basso’s famous Negroni cocktails in the most authentic tumbler you can find: The Duralex.
Maria Jeglinska’s Duralex re-design, featuring Maurizio’s face.
Various designers were asked to re-design this classic drinking vessel, the results of this brief being exhibited on a large table in the middle of the bar.
Lars Frideen’s Narcissus, with a mirror reflecting inwards and the back of the mirror being outside the glass.
Harry Thaler’s Handy Duralex re-design.