Heart for Japan by Delphine Perrot

Heart for Japan Worldwide Campaign by Delphine Perrot

Graphic artist Delphine Perrot has designed a logo to encourage people to donate money to help humanitarian relief in Japan.

Dezeen: Heart for Japan by Delphine Perrot

Perrot is encouraging people to use her Heart for Japan logo (top) and social network button (above) to direct people to a fundraising campaign at www.justgiving.com/itsnotmuch which is raising money for Shelterbox.

See our earlier stories on Tokujin Yoshioka’s call for help Architecture for Humanity’s After the Quake: Support Sendai appeal; and Wieden + Kennedy’s Help Japan Poster.

Here’s the message Perrot emailed to us:

I am a freelance globe trotter Designer & Artist. I would like to share with you a picture I designed. I reacted very quickly to the terrible situation in Japan.

I was in the Pacific and we got a red alert early in the morning. When I got back home, I came up with the idea and drew this sign spontaneously. Then I started to spread it to friends via internet and crossed my fingers this universal sign for love and support for Japan would find its way. It was like putting a bottle in the sea. I am very happy to have offered my picture to this emergency situation.

So feel free to use, share and spread my Heart for Japan logo for social network picture (pics attached little ‘badge’ for the digital communication) + Copyright me 🙂 © Design by Delphine Perrot.

Make a donation to help support the people of Japan recover from the devastation of the Tsunami by making a donation here:
http://www.justgiving.com/itsnotmuch. Fundraising campaign set up by Darren Leighfield.

I want to spread this universal heart as much as I can, and if you could hep it would be great in order to keep on spreading.

We are oping to raised £3000 pounds tomorrow > Target £10000 asap!

Some of you might have already do a donation to help the cause, if you didn’t yet: if all of our friends+friends of friends make only £2 each > we would get our target end of this week! Please spread actively the word and the link. Thanks a lot!

I would be happy if you could send my big drawn heart on your website and an help to link my others.