Petrichor Water-Repellent Shirt: Cornwall’s rugged coastal brand Finisterre’s versatile yet casual overshirt

Petrichor Water-Repellent Shirt

When the coastal gales kick up a few raindrops, you want to be prepared—but not look like you’re summiting Everest. Cornwall, England-based cold-water surf brand Finisterre hit the sweet spot between form and function with their…

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Finisterre UK: Cold water surf garb from the chilly English shores

Finisterre UK

From its storied inception on pristine Hawaiian shores to its entrance into mainstream culture in the ’50s and ’60s through films like “The Endless Summer” and “Gigdet,” surfing has always been associated with sunny, carefree beach…

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Neon Wetsuits: Custom, handmade swim and surfwear from England’s Cornish coast

Neon Wetsuits

England’s rugged Cornish coast might not be the first place you’d expect to find a flourishing, stylish, custom wetsuit company, but Neon—located in England’s surf mecca, Newquay—handcrafts made-to-order men’s and women’s wetsuits out of their workshop…

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