Convention Center Messe Basel

Découverte des projets conçus par le bureau d’architecture Herzog & De Meuron Architects qui ont dévoilé tout récemment leur dernier complexe situé en Suisse à Bâle. Ce « Convention Center » propose un nouveau hall, doté d’un design et d’un rendu incroyable à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Neubau Messe Basel 2013
Neubau Messe Basel 2013
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Forget your Past

Timothy Allen a toujours été un passionné de lieux abandonnés. Centrant ses clichés sur la capacité d’évoquer des images du passé dans le présent, ce dernier a trouvé dans cet ancien bâtiment de l’ère communiste à Buzludzha en Bulgarie le terrain de jeu parfait pour fournir cette série incroyable « Forget Your Past ».

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A Chicago convention explores artistic failures of the digital world


The upshot to digital failure, GLI.TC/H is a conference on noise and new media that sees artists from around the world gathering for a weekend packed with lectures, workshops, discussions, screenings and more. The second iteration, happening this weekend in Chicago, will explore topics like how to crack, break, hack, pirate and otherwise alter digital media. After Chicago, the celebration will move on to Amsterdam and then Birmingham, UK.

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Accompanying the physical conference is an extensive Internet component accessible though their website. We had a bit of fun playing around with GLI.TC/H online, which includes a wiki page with primers on databending, an explanation of the project, a history of glitch art, and some glitch theory. The main page, while hilariously difficult to navigate, does link out to an exhibition, a schedule of events, an impressive flickr page and T.RASHB.IN, a bank of community-sourced images, some of which were used for this post.

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A program called extrafile allows users to play with image file formats, and has been made available for download. To promote the event, supporters have produced a series of video “bumpers,” which showcase the glitch ethos in action. We recommend you all head over to the site soon to explore the material before GLI.TC/H disappears for another year. Cool Hunting has been tracking glitch art for a few years now, and it’s nice to see the community organizing an event of this scale.