Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL Architects

This family of concrete artist and designers’ studios by Chinese office AZL Architects is located amongst the marshes of the Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, China (+ slideshow).

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

Conceived by Zhang Lei of AZL architects as a small village community, the Xixi Artist Clubhouse is a cluster of five similar buildings with translucent walls and branch-like arms that stretch out towards one another.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

Each building is designed to house artists- and designers-in-residence and contains a mixture of studios and living quarters within a Y-shaped central plan and two Y-shaped arms.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

The two-storey central structures are constructed from concrete and feature glazed end walls. Each one contains double-height studio spaces and staircases that lead up to indoor balconies.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

The single-storey arms have a steel-framed structure and are clad with translucent polycarbonate panels to bring light into kitchens, bedrooms and smaller studios.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

A pathway winds through the site to connect the buildings and a series of small lampposts help residents find their way around after dark.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

AZL Architects more recently completed a house with walls that appear to be peeling in a forest near Nanjing, China. See more architecture in China.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

Other artists’ studios featured on Dezeen include a pointy gallery and studio in Japan and a set of cabin-like studios on an island off the coast of Canada. See more artists’ studios on Dezeen.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

Photography is by Yao Li.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects

Here’s a little more information from AZL Architects:

Xixi Artist Clubhouse / AZL architects

Located in Xixi wetlands in west of central Hangzhou, the Xixi Artist Clubhouse is organized as a village structure with five building units, 800 m2 each as studio for artists & designers in Hangzhou. Each cluster relies on three Y-shaped volumes, one in six by six and two in three by three meters square frameless openings, creating panoramas view of surrounding wetland landscape in different directions. Contrast to cubic outside geometric volume of building, twisting fiberglass installation redefines internal spaces. Walls, floors, and ceilings are integrated in continues surface, refers to different program.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects
Site plan

The six meter tall structure is in concrete, while two smaller sections in steel structure introduce translucent white PC panels as cladding to diffuse direct sunlight. During dark night, one could see a group of beautiful lanterns floating on the water of wild wetland horizon.

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects
Unit A ground and first floor plans – click for larger image

Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Architect in Charge: Zhang Lei
Project Team: Zhang Lei, Qi wei, Zhong Guanqiu, Zhang Guangwei, Guo Donghai
Collaborator: Architectural Design Institute, ZJIU
Project Area: 4000 sqm
Project year: 2008-2011

Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL architects
Unit B ground and first floor plans – click for larger image

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by AZL Architects
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Blockhouse by AZL Architects

Walls appear to be peeling back from the facade of this house by Chinese office AZL Architects, one of 24 architect-designed buildings underway in a forest near Nanjing, China.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

The house forms part of the Chinese International Practical Exhibition of Architecture (CIPEA) programme, which was first conceived back in 2003 as a showcase of modern architecture featuring 11 buildings by Chinese studios and 13 more by architects from abroad. A total of 20 houses are planned for the site in Laoshan National Forest Park, as well as an art museum by Steven Holl, a conference centre by Arata Isozaki, a hotel by Liu Jiakun and a leisure centre by the late Ettore Sottsass.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

For his contribution, Zhang Lei of AZL Architects designed a four-storey house with layered concrete walls, intended to resemble the curling forms of traditional Chinese scrolls. Each opening provides a wide aperture, framing views of the surrounding woodland from balconies that wrap the perimeter.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

“The concept of Blockhouse is almost the living attitude of many Chinese; a minimal opening to the surrounding landscape is the only perforation of the richness inside the house,” say the architects.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

Rooms are contained within a glass volume at the centre of the structure. A living and dining room occupies the ground floor, while the five bedrooms required by the brief are located upstairs along with bathrooms and a study.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

A staircase leads up to the roof, where a wooden terrace and swimming pool sit just above the treetops.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

Blockhouse is part of the first batch of completed CIPEA houses. Although each one is designed as a functioning home, none of the houses will be lived in and will instead serve as an extension of Holl’s Nanjing Sifang Art Museum, scheduled to open later this year.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

See more stories about architecture in China, including a kindergarten in Tianjin and a museum for wooden sculptures in Harbin.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

Photography is by Yao Li.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

Here’s a little more information from AZL Architects

CIPEA No.4 House / AZL architects

Situated in Laoshan Forest to the west of central Nanjing city, China International Practical Exhibition of Architecture (CIPEA) began in 2003 to bring twenty-four renowned international & domestic architects together onto one site. CIPEA consist of four public buildings and twenty small houses, in accordance with the brief, the houses should have at least five bedrooms, public spaces and hospitality accommodations on 500 square meters.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

The Number Four “Blockhouse” sits on a particularly valley site, nestling the house into the landscape. In the spirit of a pagoda, four cubic floors are stacked vertically, allowing for minimal site excavation and land use. The ground floor features living and dining spaces quietly enveloped in the surrounding forest and overlooking a stream, and a communal roof terrace rises to just above the trees. The roof merges into the landscape as another living space, complete with pool and wooden deck within the panorama of the forest. The geometric shape is sculpted from concrete and finished in a white protection surface.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects

The concept of Blockhouse is almost the living attitude of many Chinese; a minimal opening to the surrounding landscape is the only perforation of the richness inside the house. The horizontal break of each floor – in combination with larger unique curved apertures on each floor – frame vistas in the spirit of Chinese landscape scrolls. Prescribed views have a long tradition in Chinese art history and traditional Chinese gardens, designed to make the viewer reconsider and contemplate the landscape.

Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Site masterplan rendering

Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Architect in Charge: Zhang Lei
Project Team: Zhang Lei, Jeffrey Cheng, Wang Wang, Wang Yi
Collaborator: Architectural Design & planning Institute, NJU
Project Area: 500 sqm
Project year: 2008-2012

Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Site masterplan – click for larger image
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Site plan – click for larger image
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Ground floor plan
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
First floor plan
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Second floor plan
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Third floor plan
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
East and south facades
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
West and north facades
Blockhouse by AZL Architects
Cross section east to west

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AZL Architects
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