Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

French practice AWP has remodelled a water-treatment plant outside Paris to reveal its industrial processes to the public.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Located beside the Seine to the south of the city, the Évry Water-Treatment Plant was first established in the 1970s. Following a design competition in 2003, AWP developed a new masterplan for the site, adding four new buildings and a surrounding landscape of trees and gardens that will all be accesible to visitors.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Each of the buildings has a prefabricated concrete structure, with timber screens wrapping the upper sections to soften the industrial appearance of the facades. These screens surround large external ducts, as well as a number of balcony corridors.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

The smallest of the four buildings functions as an entrance and exhibition centre for tourists, who will be able to tour the plant when it opens to the public later this year.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

We’ve featured a few water-treatment plants designed by architects on Dezeen, including a combined garden and plant in Germany and a floating island that purifies river water.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

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Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Photography is by Anna Positano.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Here’s a project description from AWP:

Water-Treatment Plant, Évry

Construction and renovation of four industrial buildings and a water park

Located on the Seine river front, close to a key metropolitan route (the Francilienne), Évry water depuration plant is a major infrastructural element that is at once symbolic and highly functional, reflecting environmental, technical and urban considerations.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

The first plant was built in the 70s and the aim of this renovation is to increase and optimise its capacity. The urban dimension of the equipment has guided us towards a strategy of opening-up and hospitality. Previously rejected and hidden, this infrastructure is now relocated on the urban scene, so as to have a public role and to become symbolic. Regularly open to visitors, this equipment will become both a landmark and an experiential water filtering park.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

The formal strategy consists of a main axis along the river where gardens, new buildings and tanks are located. Buildings will be renovated and their façades completely redesigned as urban scale filters.

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Location: Évry, France
Client: Communauté d’agglomération d’Évry
Architects: AWP (leading architect) + Ithaques

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Team AWP: Marc Armengaud, Matthias Armengaud, Alessandra Cianchetta (partners), Miguel La Parra Knapman, Joseph Jabbour, David Perez (project team)

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP

Engineering: Bonnard & Gardel (leading engineer)
Net surface: 6000 sqm (buildings)
Budget: €42 million
Competition: 2003
Delivery: 2012

Water-Treatment Plant by AWP
Site plan – click for larger image and key

The post Water-Treatment Plant
by AWP
appeared first on Dezeen.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects

Swiss architects HHF and French architects AWP have won a competition to design a series of follies for a new park outside Paris.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

The proposed pavilions include an observatory of stacked timber huts that overlooks the Seine.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

Elsewhere, clusters of timber sheds will house a visitor’s centre and restaurant, while smaller follies will be scattered around the 113-hectare park.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

Each pavilion will be designed around a standard module size to reduce the cost of construction.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

Landscape architects Agence TER prepared the proposals for the new riverside park, which is to be located in Carrière-Sous-Poissy, north of the city centre.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

HHF Architects also designed a circular pavilion along La Ruta del Peregrino, a pilgrimage route in Mexico – see the project here and see more pavillons along the route here.

See also: more stories about projects by HHF Architects.

Here’s a few more details from HHF and AWP:

Architectures in the Parc des bords de Seine

The series of a pavilions with different public functions and programs are part of a future 113 hectare large public green space along the Seine river, in Carrière-Sous-Poissy, at the end station of the RER line A and close the renown Villa Savoye from Le Corbusier. The Park designed by the Paris based landscape architects Agence TER will be a public park and ecological showcase for local residents and a leisure destination for people living in and around Paris.

The competition brief included the construction of a visitor’s center, of a restaurant (“guinguette”), of an observa- tory plus about a dozen smaller infrastructure “follies” with different uses.

Similar to the popular wooden preschool toys in form of building blocks made of out of colorful wood, this collection of pavilions and small infrastructure «follies» is based on a modular wood system, repeating and combining different sized and different angled timber frames. This approach allows for interesting and unusual constructions, enabling a wide range of possible variations with a very limited number of elements, while at the same type staying very flexible for future adaptions and during the construction phase. This will result in unique atmospheres and spaces for each of the pavilions and infrastructure follies. In addition to that it’s a relatively low priced construction method which enables the integration of local building know how and local companies.

The site of the project is an exceptional one, for its location along the Seine river and for its “in-between”, dual nature (land/water, city/sprawl, wilderness/domesticated nature). The presence of barges, fishing huts and houseboats, which have been so far inhabiting the site has been a powerful source of inspiration. On the other side, the site boundary is characterized by suburban nondescript housing pavilions. The design springs from a process of hybridization between these two existing habitat models: the floating barge and the archetypical suburban house resulting in a new typology emerging in the park and dealing with the site’s memory and identity both spatially and socially, whilst providing a contemporary and forward-looking response.

By working along residential neighborhoods and along the river, we are invited by this project to come inhabit a large urban room worthy of Paris’ tradition of great terraced boulevards. This very active strip of land is made up of continuous docks, a large mooring space for barges, pontoons, lookouts, observatories, cantilevered terraces… These small, furtive constructions must stimulate the flow of people over the entire length of the park, and towards the water and city, as well as provide facilities for viewing the landscape: framing/unframing. They will bring an inspirational atmosphere, to encourage new experiences. We want to suggest windows for sharing this new kind of landscape, and bring the surrounding city to life by intensifying certain elements of the landscape plan: inscribe it within an urban strategy. The idea is to create conditions for viewing the space, to allow crossovers that are adapted to the buildings’ uses, users, to the evolution of their surroundings.

Parc des Bords de Seine by HHF Architects and AWP

Location: Carrière-Sous-Poissy, Paris, France
Net floor area: 1900m2 approx.
Type of project: Public equipments. Pavilions and Follies
Planned: 2011
Client: Communauté d’agglomération des Deux Rives de la Seine Architects: AWP + HHF
Project responsible: Alessandra Cianchetta
Team AWP: Marc Armengaud, Matthias Armengaud, Alessandra Cianchetta, Miguel La Parra Knapman, David Perez
Team HHF: Simon Frommenwiler, Simon Hartmann, Tilo Herlach
Structure: EVP
Engineering / QS: GINGER
Competition: 1st prize, 2011 / preliminary studies ongoing

See also:


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