City Guides: Detroit: An update to our favorite places for food, drink, art and fun in the ever-evolving and inspiring Motor City

City Guides: Detroit

Since overhauling our City Guides last fall, we’ve had many an opportunity to make our way back to Detroit and delve further into one of the most culturally rich cities in the country. While there, various team members found that…

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Avec Motifs Apparents: Terracotta Daughters: An in situ installation that blends ancient discovery with contemporary gender issues

Avec Motifs Apparents: Terracotta Daughters

Centquatre (aka 104) is one of Paris’ newly opened and exciting art centers. Along with Gaité Lyrique, this new generation of venues are no longer just art galleries, but spaces…

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Tokyo Graphic Passport 2014: A traveling exhibition of Japanese artistry and design

Tokyo Graphic Passport 2014

Housed across three galleries—two in DUMBO, Brooklyn and one in Manhattan’s Lower East Side—bilingual Japanese arts publication +81 presents “Tokyo Graphic Passport,” a traveling exhibition of Japanese posters and…

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Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT: Curator Ken Miller leads the art pack in Park City, Utah

Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT

Amid the clattering bustle of a small resort town packed street-to-screen with the film industry, two art galleries are providing a different option for the artistic influx that temporarily inhabits Park City, Utah. This year at Sundance, pop-ups “SPACE” and “recordOutboundLink(this,…

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The Postcard is a Public Work of Art: Mailable works of art by 60 Britain-based artists on show in London

The Postcard is a Public Work of Art

No matter where you go in the world, you will, no doubt, have the opportunity to pick up a postcard to commemorate the place and time. Taking the novel piece of rectangle card and transforming it into a canvas with near infinite potential,…

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Stan Douglas: Luanda-Kinshasa: The Vancouver-based artist’s 12th solo show at NYC ‘s David Zwirner gallery melds fiction and documentary through a six-hour film set

Stan Douglas: Luanda-Kinshasa

by Charlotte Anderson The recording studio on East 30th Street in Manhattan was once holy ground. Carved out of the abandoned remains of an old Armenian Church, it was a place where musicians shared in a mutual, perhaps now lost, struggle—to record that…

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