Tokyo Graphic Passport 2014: A traveling exhibition of Japanese artistry and design

Tokyo Graphic Passport 2014

Housed across three galleries—two in DUMBO, Brooklyn and one in Manhattan’s Lower East Side—bilingual Japanese arts publication +81 presents “Tokyo Graphic Passport,” a traveling exhibition of Japanese posters and…

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Dan Gluibizzi: Between Friends: NSFW watercolors inspired by how we pose for cameras and modeled on photos from across the internet

Dan Gluibizzi: Between Friends

Sex, bongs and the internet—these are the motifs explored in the watercolors of Portland-via-New York artist and Tumblr addict Dan Gluibizzi (pronounced “glue-busy”). Opening tomorrow, 1 March 2014, at LA’s ); return…

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Eleanor Hubbard: Just One Look: The artist explores animals—including an adopted ox—and landscapes through her relationship with color

Eleanor Hubbard: Just One Look

Opening this Saturday, 1 February 2014, at NYC’s Walter Wickiser Gallery artist Eleanor Hubbard will be showcasing bright, beautiful works—with one of the main inspirations behind the pieces being…

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Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT: Curator Ken Miller leads the art pack in Park City, Utah

Sundance 2014: SPACE and 1MSQFT

Amid the clattering bustle of a small resort town packed street-to-screen with the film industry, two art galleries are providing a different option for the artistic influx that temporarily inhabits Park City, Utah. This year at Sundance, pop-ups “SPACE” and “recordOutboundLink(this,…

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Adam Green: Hot Chicks: The musician and artist’s latest gallery offering, with a cast of friends

Adam Green: Hot Chicks

In a vibrant, mesmerizing match of childlike wonder and moderate perversion, musician and artist Adam Green’s latest show at NYC’s The Hole gallery features the exploratory wit for which…

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Miami Art Week 2013: Glass: Clear, crystalline and dynamic uses of an every day component

Miami Art Week 2013: Glass

Of all the materials put to use and on display during Miami’s art extravaganza, we saw several shimmering, shiny—but also innovative—works utilizing glass. Fragile, see-through and with the ability to morph light and color, it’s as multidimensional as it is straightforward. It completed…

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Barry Underwood’s Luminescent Landscapes: Photographic light installations create cosmic scenes at Johansson Projects

Barry Underwood's Luminescent Landscapes

In conjunction with an installation by Sarah Kabot, Johansson Projects in Oakland, CA is presenting new work by photographer Barry…

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Shark Toof: The graffiti artist talks about diving with, painting and saving his beloved predator

Shark Toof

by Vivianne Lapointe LA-based artist Shark Toof has made quite a name for himself for his dangerously bold depictions of the world’s most popular and misunderstood apex predator on street corners across the US. When asked about the genesis of his style and the reasoning behind his shark fetish, he…

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Miriam Böhm: Sculpture and photography come together through repetition and illusion

Miriam Böhm

Berlin-based artist Miriam Böhm’s photographs present compelling optical illusions made through a series of complex physical arrangements in the studio. Individually photographed and printed, these physical objects are then mounted back into the original arrangement—in many ways similar to the late work of the Cubist movement—starting a repetitive process…

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The Humping Pact: Greco-Roman orgies meet 21st century urban exploration to expose overlooked creative spaces

The Humping Pact

Artistic works addressing the relationship between the human body and its environment are not a new concept. The Berlin-based duo behind “The Humping Pact” fit into this tradition while establishing new methods to distinguish itself from past attempts. Combining contemporary trends with Greco-Roman aesthetics, “The Humping Pact” stands somewhere…

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