Link About It: This Week’s Picks : An obituary for the Great Barrier Reef, vintage Nike ads, life as a professional line-sitter and more in our weekly look at the web

Link About It: This Week's Picks

1. The Modern Day Pantheon One of the most memorable talks from this year’s TED conference in Vancouver was from Bran Ferren who spoke about combining art and engineering to create a modern-day Pantheon. The former…

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Shinola + Bruce Weber: The storied photographer shares a few insights on his latest campaign with the Detroit-based brand

Shinola + Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber’s work—renowned for its powerful and iconic imagery that has graced gallery walls, billboards and the finest fashion magazines around the globe—is largely an extension of the way he sees the world. And when the…

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Link About It: This Week’s Picks : Veggie kiosks, time warp photography, news from space and more in our look at the web this week

Link About It: This Week's Picks

1. Chicago’s Fresh Food Vending Machine Founder Luke Saunders prefers the term “kiosk,” but there’s no denying that his Chicago-based Farmer’s Fridge invention is actually a veggie vending machine. Built from recycled barn wood and sporting…

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Jon Burgerman: Head Shots: The artist uses NYC subway advertisements for improvisational gory, humor and awareness

Jon Burgerman: Head Shots

With lambent wit, awareness and a desire to question the materials that cross our collective path on a daily basis, one of CH’s favorite artists, Jon Burgerman, has debuted a new photo series on his website, titled );…

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