Explore 3D Printed Fashion, Food Next Week in California

3D-printed guitars, food, and fashion will be displayed and discussed at Mediabistro’s Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo next week, September 17-18 in San Jose, California. Join us there and network with leaders in the Silicon Valley tech community.

Design-oriented sessions include “Tools of Creation” and “The Future of Retail and Materials for 3D Printing,” which will be led by Isaac Katz of Electronic Art Boutique and David L. Bourell of Laboratory for Freeform Fabrication.

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Introducing…… the world’s first 3D printed twin-tip skateboard! This early example of future recreational production was formed in 3 sections joined with connector pins for additional strength and durability. It’s not quite ready to shred the stairs, but it’s a great beginners board with lots of possibilities for cool, custom 3D graphics and shapes. Check out the video to see the entire production process!

Designer: Sam Abbott

Designer: Sam Abbott

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Print-n-Board was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Earthquake Art

The Quakescape 3D Fabricator was created in response to the Christchurch earthquakes by Kiwi designer James Boock. The device takes earthquake data and transfers it into art by using a scaled down landscape of Christchurch as a “blank canvas” and extrudes paint onto the exact location of the earthquake tremors – transforming the data into functional art. Check the vid after the jump to see it in action!

The device works by taking earthquake data from the site Geo-net (www.geonet.com) and transfers it into the medium of art by using paint and Arduino technology. The surface that the paint is applied to is a CNC-routed landscape of Christchurch, New Zealand. This acts as the blank canvas and allows the paint to move around the landscape creating an amazingly vibrant visual. Each color represent the various magnitudes of the tremors and is run on two horizontal axis by stepper motors powered by G-code generated through Arduino. This allows the nozzle head to be moved to the precise location of the earthquake. Once the location is determined the pigment is then pumped from the containers through the tubes and extruded out the nozzle. This is the moment where precise magnitudinal data is converted into an art-form.

Designer: James Boock with Josh Newsome-White, Brooke Bowers, Hannah Warren, George Redmond, Richie Stewart and Philippa Shipley

Quakescape 3D Fabricator from Oliver Ellmers on Vimeo.

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Earthquake Art was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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3D Food Printing?!

The 3d printing industry has been transformed from a handful of manufacturers producing costly machines, to hundreds of individuals creating their own machines and sharing the instructions on how to make them. The incredible accessibility to this technology has the potential to affect many aspects of our daily lives, including how we think about food. What if instead of street hot dog stands we had 3D food printer carts?! This twist on the classic food cart sheds light on the future of this awesome tech.

The printer here creates what I’m guessing are simple chocolate confections, but this just scrapes the surface of what these machines might be capable of in the way of food!

Designer: Green Geometries Laboratory

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(3D Food Printing?! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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The Personal 3D Printer is Here

The ultra-compact XEOS 3D printer integrates perfectly into smaller office spaces that lack the capacity for larger printers, CNC mills and turning lathes. The use of a new innovative printer arm inspired by a wafer robot arm reduces enclosure volume by 66% compared to the current smallest design available. Create and verify geometric forms in no time, straight from the desktop!

The clean interior and transparent two window design creates a “stage” for the printing process and emphasizes on the fascination people get when they are watching an object appears out of nothing.

The design also features easy and intuitive controls and step-by-step software supports Macs / PCs and Pads, which connect to the printer via WIFI. The software takes the user by the hand and helps even first time users.

The device itself features only one “stop and open” hardware button on the outside to simplify controls and avoid overloading with functions. The printer automatically goes in standby-mode after 15 minutes and wakes up when the next print job is received. A large LED status bar behind the front glass gives visual feedback about the print progress and is easy to read – even from across the room.

Designer: Stefan Reichert

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(The Personal 3D Printer is Here was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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