Cartoon furniture among unconventional domestic items on show at New York's Chamber gallery

A dining table surrounded by cartoon-like chairs features in the latest exhibition at New York gallery Chamber, which opened last night without its founder after he was denied entry into the US.

Domestic Appeal is the third of four shows curated by Matylda Krzykowski, co-founder of the Depot Basel design space, as part of Chamber‘s Collection #3.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

The exhibition opened last night at the gallery, located under the High Line in New York’s Chelsea, but founder Juan Garcia Mosqueda wasn’t present because he was turned away by US border patrol when he arrived in the country from Argentina last week.

The collection is influenced by a 1956 work by British artist Richard Hamilton, titled “Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?” – a commentary on the dawn of the consumer age and its effect on daily life.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

“In his artwork, Hamilton commented on rapid and fundamental changes in everyday existence and how peiple became drawn into a consumerist lifestyle,” Krzykowski said.

“Looking at ‘Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?’ and comparing it with the domestic objects and furniture produced today, one realises that not a lot has changed over the past 60 years.”

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

Similarly to the collaged artwork, the objects in the new exhibition come from a range of different sources.

Krzykowski commissioned a set of international designers to contribute limited editions and one-of-a-kind pieces, which are all unconventional interpretations of household items.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

Highlights include a dining table surrounded by a characterful set of chairs, made from cheap materials found in the home like foam and granite-print laminate.

Designed by Brooklyn duo Andy and Dave, the set of colourful pieces that vary in size and shape looks like an ensemble of cartoons.

“Like the irrationally expressive skyscrapers of a contemporary city, the height and personality of the chairs creates an imaginary context for a person to temporarily inhabit,” said the gallery.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

Swiss designer Bertille Laguet‘s pair of Cassus items are both formed from aluminium cast into thin sheets, shaped with large, rounded ridges.

One acts as a bench, while the other is a lamp that evokes an image of an iron fireplace when positioned against a wall.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

At the front of Chamber’s space sit two ceramic furniture designs by Dimitri Bähler, also from Switzerland.

The larger acts as a room divider or bar table and is coloured with a gradient of orange that fades to light yellow, while the lower blue seat has an uneven metallic coating.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

An assemblage of wooden boxes and fabric-covered compartments are tied together with rope to form a credenza by Dutch duo Margriet Craens and Lucas Maassen.

Other designers that have contributed equally unusual takes on domestic items include Ferréol Babin, Chen Chen and Kai Williams, Tom Hancocks, Jochen Holz, Carl Emil Jacobsen, James Shaw + Soft Baroque, Florian Milker, Edgar Mosa, and Raw Color.

Chamber's Collection #3, Show III

“The work in Domestic Appeal is not for mass consumption, but rather a means to challenge and conceptualise life and progress,” the gallery said.

Domestic Appeal is on show at Chamber, 515 West 23rd Street, until 22 April 2017. The gallery has previously hosted collections curated by Studio Job and

Photography is by Fran Parente.

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