Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Here are some images by photographer Nelson Garrido of a restored architecture school building in Porto by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Siza originally completed the two-storey Carlos Ramos Pavilion in 1986.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Student studios fill both floors of the building and overlook a central courtyard.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

A tapered staircase at the corner of the school connects the two floors and leads to a small meeting space lined with curved wooden benches.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Siza was awarded the RIBA Royal Gold Medal in 2009 – click here to see a selection of photographs by Duccio Malagamba that document his work.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Here’s some text from Siza Vieira that further explains the building:

Pavilion Carlos Ramos – Faculty Of Architecture, Porto.

As a succinct summary of the courtyard type, the pavilion is located at the apex of a former estate, opposite the Dean’s office.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

With the external walls almost completely blank, the inner courtyard elevations are opened up.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Diagonal views from all rooms establish links with the surroundings and a view of the Douro River estuary.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

Service and access cores are contained in the corners.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

The tapered staircase leading from ground level to the first floor emerges onto a curved balcony with in-built seats.

The projections and chamfers of the building’s configuration follow a geometric “outline” which is marked on the perimeter of the linear lawn, and ends, as all lines must, in a scalloped granite block opposite the Dean’s office.

One of the elevations of the pavilion too, makes a somewhat unruly gesture.

The attention to details (ironwork, furniture, light fittings) is appropriate for a quiet space for study, while also perhaps giving the users a sense of formal discipline and inspiration.

Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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Carlos Ramos Pavilion by Álvaro Siza

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See also:


Garcia D’Orta Secondary School by Bak Gordon Cabrela House by Orgânica Arquitectura Museu de Foz Coa by Camilo Rebelo and Tiago Pimentel
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