Canada’s Getting Older (and So Is Their Graphic Design Game)


We’ve covered Canadian design before—the good and the bad… and, with the government’s recent foray into visual identity, the ugly. Our neighbors to the north are looking forward to celebrating their sesquicentennial in 2017—to spare you a Google search, that means they’re celebrating a 150-year anniversary—and the government has already begun designing a logo to commemorate the event. Unfortunately, their attempts are a bit off the mark—just take a look at the designs above. Not a single one of them is remotely worthy of, say, this charming Canadian couple who made web rounds a few weeks back.

After reading an article on a Canadian news site featuring the designs-in-progress, one designer took it upon himself to redeem his homeland and up their design cred. Ibraheem Youssef designed a logo of his own and reached out to a few other well-known Canadian designers to ask them to come up with their own versions. The response was astounding (and much better looking).

He documented all of the submissions online with descriptions giving more information about the designer behind each submission and what it represents.


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